Release date:2021

Author:Louise De Masi

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Explore your creativity and strengthen your watercolour painting skills in this step by step watercolour painting class. We will focus on understanding the wet on wet painting technique while you paint this beautiful sleepy Koala.

I’m a professional watercolour artist from Australia. I have sold thousands of my paintings and prints all around the world. My days are now spent teaching others how to paint in this dynamic medium. When I paint I try to find a balance between rendering detail but allowing watercolour to look like watercolour. My favourite technique to use is wet on wet. When watercolour blends on the paper beautiful effects are created as the different pigments combine. In this class I will walk you step by step through my painting process. Whether you are a beginner or you are a more experienced painter this class will give you lots of techniques and tips that will help you expand your painting skills.

You will learn:

the differences between paper wetness

how to paint wet on wet

how to blend colours on the paper

how to build texture on the under wash

preserving white paper

keeping paint edges soft

how to build up texture and interest

how to add dimension

how to remove highlights

how to achieve a warm/cool temperature balance

how to use a palette with sloping wells

Fixing mistakes as you paint

When you enroll, you will have access to the line drawing of the Koala, 2 progress photos of my painting, my finished painting and my reference photo.

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