Release date:2021

Author:Alan Thorn

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Our world is filled with cool products, designed by talented and skilled creatives. Unity is a real-time rendering tool that is ideal for showcasing great product designs and ideas. In this course, designer Alan Thorn demonstrates step by step how to use Unity to comprehensively previsualize a retro-style coffee maker in an interactive way. Alan shows how to build the coffee maker from start to finish in Unity, and test out different features like pushable buttons, levers, moveable mugs, and other engaging product characteristics that can be previewed effectively in real time. He also demonstrates how to create camera sequences and work with responsive and adaptive user interfaces. This course is ideal for digital creatives and product designers seeking to showcase their ideas with depth and energy. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to create real-time visualizations for your own products using the Unity engine.

001 Product visualization beginning to end 002 Exercise files 003 Project creation 004 Project review and package import 005 Importing project assets 006 Material workflow 007 Creating the body material 008 Making glass and chrome materials 009 Creating a plastic material 010 Working with textures and mapping 011 Coffee maker rigging 012 Cinemachine and virtual cameras 013 Moving forward with virtual cameras 014 Camera transitions 015 Creating user interfaces 016 Working with interface buttons 017 Creating world-space labels 018 Pivots and positioning 019 Label depth and the compositor 020 Camera-facing billboards 021 The coffee mug animation 022 The tray removal animation 023 Production rotate animation 024 Coffee grinder animation 025 Introducing sub-states 026 Creating the coffee mug loading sequence 027 Working with animation parameters 028 Tray removal and conflicts 029 Working with multiple sub-states 030 Connecting the UI to sub-states 031 Water refilling 032 Repairing animation glitches 033 Controlling label visibility 034 Handling interactions 035 Controlling the handle and tray animations 036 Creating the power and shot buttons 037 Creating a coffee particle system 038 Reviewing your progress 039 Building the visualization 040 Conclusion

Ex_Files_Unity_Product_Visualization.7z Lynda – Unity Product Visualization_Subtitles.7z

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