Release date:2021, April

Author:Simon Foster

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What Will I Learn?

How to produce effective vector based images

How to produce good design

Real world best design studio practices

Prepare photos for use in design projects

The important tools in Affinity Designer

The right way to use the tools in Affinity Designer


You will need a working copy of Affinity Designer

Time and dedication to study the lectures

Description ‘I’ve done some Affinity Designer tutorials on YouTube, but they just cover one tool or technique. How do I actually create good designs, start to finish?’

‘There are so many tools in Affinity Designer! So many things to remember! As a beginner what do I need to know and what do I not need to know?’

‘How do I know when I’ve learned the really important stuff?’

Enrol on this course and find out just how well I can answer these questions. I’ve been a designer for nearly 30 years. I’ve spent thousands of hours working in various design studios and now I’m bringing that experience to Affinity Designer. Over the years I’ve learned what matters when you are creating good design and what doesn’t. What clients want to see and what keeps them coming back to you. What tools work and what traps there are to catch you out. Also things like where to start when enhancing an image for your design work. What steps you should take and in what order. Things like selecting the right tool for the job because just learning a tool isn’t enough. How to use a tool but also when to use it, what problems you may encounter and, perhaps most importantly, why to use it.

The course gives you a thorough grounding in the tools and techniques you need to know when you are producing good design. These tools and techniques are so fundamental that I make sure that they are covered properly and in detail. Practically every image you see is available as a download so you can follow along and I’ve also created many practice videos. Not a multi choice quiz where you just have to remember the name of a tool. That’s not enough – you need practical exercises for a program like Affinity Designer and I give you exactly that in a unique way.

Your practical exercises are consistent. After you’ve watched the tutorials I’ll give you a task and tell you what I want you to do with it. Then you have a choice. You can listen to the advice I give you about how to do the job, or you can skip the advice and try doing the exercise. Then come back to the video and I’ll show you how I did it. I’ll also give you some valuable tips about tools, techniques and workflow along the way so you can really nail down the fundamental concepts and be ready to move on to more advanced subjects.

Did you notice I said ‘fundamental’ twice instead of ‘basic’? There’s a reason for that. This course is aimed at beginners and existing users who want to round out their knowledge but that doesn’t mean it’s over simplified. Heck, no! You will learn the same tools and techniques that are used in professional studios. I’ve been in quite a few design studios in my time and – just between you and me – there’s things on this course that I’ve had to explain to people who use Illustration programs on a daily basis. That’s something I can do for you too. As well as being a designer for decades I also spent some time as a teacher and my university degree is all about how people learn. And it is my firm belief that the right way to learn something like Affinity designer is not to just learn the tools. The right way is to learn the right workflow. You learn the right workflow by using the right tools for the job, and the best way to use them.

After learning about vector based tools we’ll tackle more topics about enhancing photos for use in your design work. You’ll also practice these new techniques. Things like half a dozen different ways to select areas of your picture and the pros and cons of each. Learn best working practices and gotchas while you learn about vector based shapes, text, artboards, gradients, selective colorization or pro level dodge and burn techniques. Layer blend modes? So many people get confused by them. Give me 20 minutes and you’ll wonder why anyone would ever find them challenging. Learn the differences between vector shapes and bitmaps. Layer masks? So useful yet sometimes so confusing. Let me explain them to you and make them a vital part of your new skillset.

By the end of the course you will have mastered various effective workflows, start to finish. You will gain the confidence to tackle your own vector illustrations, be able to enhance photos, and one day soon you may well be looking at one of your own designs and thinking ‘That looks fantastic! I did that…’

Enrol now. Don’t forget you have the 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Learn Affinity Designer from someone who knows what’s important and knows how to teach. Get ready to be an effective designer. Get ready to make your work shine!

I’ll see you on the course,


Who is the target audience?

Beginners to Affinity Designer

Beginners to vector based Illustration and design

01. Let’s Start at the Very Beginning – it’s a Very Good Place to Start 01. Hello and Welcome! 02. Load er up… 03. Shapes 101, Strike a Shape Theres Nothing to it… 04. Shapes 101, Layers and Nesting 05. Your Turn! Boogie Oogie Oogie Sidewalk 06. Your Turn! Boogie Oogie Oogie Sidewalk, part 2 07. Shapes 101, Create Shapes and Transform Them 08. Your Turn! Match the Shapes 09. Shapes 101, Alter the Built in Shapes with Little Red Dots… 10. Edit the Outline of your Shapes 11. The Corner Tool and Introduction to Nodes 12. Practice Time! Practice the Corner and Node Tools 13. Boolean Functions 14. Your Turn! Fire Engine, Part 1 15. Ordering and Flipping Shapes 16. Your Turn! Fire Engine, Part 2 17. Align and Distribute Shapes 18. Your Turn! Fire Engine, Part 3, Finish the Cab 19. Your Turn! Fire Engine, Part 4, Using Booleans 20. Your Turn! Fire Engine, Part 5, Finish the Illustration

02. A Bit Beyond the Basics 01. Create a New File 02. RGB and CMYK Color Spaces 03. Color Spaces Within Affinity Designer 04. The Pencil Tool 05. Why the Pencil Tool Isnt Completely Brilliant All the Time… 06. The Pen Tool, Part 1 07. The Pen Tool, Part 2 08. The Pen Tool and Snapping 09. Comparing the Pen Tool (Favourably) With the Pencil Tool 10. Your Turn! Outlining a Brain, Part 1 11. Your Turn! Outlining a Brain, Part 2 12. Global Versus Local Color 13. Vary the Line Width 14. CMYK and RGB and Hex Codes and LAB Color Spaces and all That… 15. Create Color Palettes 16. The Vector Brush 17. The Transparency Tool 18. Create Gradients with the Fill Tool 19. Practice with the Fill Tool 20. The History Panel and Alternative Undos

03. Text and Design 01. Place an Image and the Guides Manager 02. Global Colors 03. Add Text to your Web Page 04. Adding Frame Text and Resize your Document 05. Text – Create the A4 Page 06. Different Kinds of Fonts 07. The Character Panel 08. Open Type, Ligatures and Glyphs 09. The Frame Text Tool 10. Text on a Path 11. The Point Transform Tool 12. Design a Logo, Part 1 13. Design a Logo, Part 2 – Expand Stroke 14. Symbols 15. Using the Grid and Symbols for an Efficient Workflow, Part 1 16. Using the Grid and Symbols for an Efficient Workflow, Part 2 17. Create a Presentation, Part 1 18. Create a Presentation, Part 2 – Add Body Copy 19. Create a Presentation, Part 3 – Create a Template 20. Create a Presentation, Part 4 – Creating Assets 21. Create a Presentation, Part 5 – Updating the Asset Library 22. Create a Presentation, Part 6 – Artboards 23. Create a Presentation, Part 7 – Working with Stock Images 24. Create a Presentation, Part 8 – An Embedded Image Gotcha! 25. Create a Presentation, Part 9 – Layer Effects and Styles 26. Text Styles – a Primer… 27. Text Styles – the Principle 28. Text Styles – Defining Group Styles 29. The Appearance Panel and Expand Selection

04. Working with Bitmaps 01. Introduction to the Pixel Persona 02. Importing Smart Objects from Photoshop 03. Crop, Rotate and an Introduction to Layer Adjustments 04. Non Destructive Editing and Alter the Dark to Light Values of your Photo 05. Sort Out the White Balance 06. Sort Out the Color Balance 07. Curves, Part 1 – introduction 08. Curves, Part 2 – Color Balance Work 09. Practice Time! Prepare a Photo 10. Other Useful Adjustment Layers 11. Selections 01 The Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee Tools 12. Selections 02 The draw round an area Selection Tools 13. Selections 03 The Auto Select Tools 14. Layer Masks Part 1, the Principle 15. Layer Masks Part 2, Masks in Action 16. Layer Blend Ranges 17. Refine Selections 18. Your Turn! Practice Refine Selection 19. Alter the Selection Borders 20. Layer Blend Modes, Part 1 21. Layer Blend Modes, Part 2 – Why They are so Useful 22. Tools Im Really Not Keen on – but also an effective way to Dodge and Burn 23. Export your Files, Part 1 24. The Export Persona 25. So Long and Thanks for Watching!

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