World Director NPC – PRO 4.27 世界导演NPC -专业插件是理想的创造游戏,其中有许多棋子在世界上同时进行。你可以模拟成千上万的棋子。你可以创造一个完整的人口城市。现在有了多人游戏。

这是一个用于优化大量NPC位置的综合系统。世界导演NPC专业是创造任何规模的开放世界游戏的完美人选。如果你的角色来了或者离开了棋子应该在的地方,你将不再需要考虑繁殖角色和移除棋子。如果你在角色附近生兵并离开这个地方,兵会继续移动,不会影响FPS。在我采用AMD 2700X处理器的系统上,我以120+FPS的速度完成了200000+棋子。当角色回到同一个位置时,棋子以相同的特征(生命值,等级)回到世界。).


级别1 -如果棋子在摄影机的视野之外,其所有组件和骨骼网格将从渲染中禁用,并应用一组优化措施,如动画播放和滴答速率。








在我采用AMD 2700X处理器的系统上,我以120+FPS的速度完成了200000+棋子。






The World Director NPC PRO plugin is ideal for creating games where there are many pawns in the world at the same time. The level of your pawns, their location, scale, the rotation will always be preserved, as well as they will always move, even if you are very far away, which creates a simulation of the living world. You can simulate a whole world of thousands of pawns. You can create an entire populated city. The plugin is easy to use.

This is a comprehensive system for optimizing a large number of NPCs in locations. World Director NPC PRO is perfect for creating open-world games of any size. You will no longer have to think about spawning characters and removing pawns if your character has come or gone from the place where the pawns should be. If you spawn pawns near the character and leave this place, the pawns continue to move and they do not affect the FPS. On my system with an AMD 2700X processor, I achieved 200000+ pawns at 120+FPS. When the character returns to the same location, the pawns return to the world with the same characteristics (health, level.).

Now I’ll explain how it works. The system is divided into 4 optimization levels that work simultaneously for the best FPS performance.

Level 1 – if the pawn is out of the camera’s view, all its components and skeletal meshes are disabled from the render, and a set of optimization measures is applied, such as animation playback and tick rate.

Level 2 – if the pawn is further away from the character than you set in the settings of The World Director NPC PRO plugin, it is deprecated while retaining all its settings. At this level, this pawn is calculated for its position in the world, as well as finding a way to walk. The search takes place in the radius you set completely randomly. All calculations are based on your Navigation Mesh. Pawns will also bypass walls and obstacles.

Level 3 – If the pawn is even further away, on the border of level 3. the number of simultaneously walking pawns is further reduced for optimization.

Level 4 – at this level, the pawn stops moving, but still continues to exist. And if your character gets closer, the pawn gets to level 3 and starts moving.

While at level 2.3.4, pawns can’t act according to the Behavior Tree, but they can still walk.

All calculations for hidden pawns at level 2.3.4 occur using multithreading for better FPS.

Now with multiplayer. All calculations take place on the server-side!


The system is divided into 4 optimization levels that work simultaneously for the best FPS performance.
At level 1 if the pawn is out of the camera’s view, all its components and skeletal meshes are disabled from the render, and a set of optimization measures is applied, such as animation playback and tick rate. While at level 2.3.4, pawns can’t act according to the Behavior Tree, but they can still walk.
On my system with an AMD 2700X processor, I achieved 200000+ pawns at 120+FPS.
All calculations for hidden pawns at level 2.3.4 occur using multithreading for better FPS.
Save and Load System
If the pawn is out of the camera’s view, all its components and skeletal meshes are disabled from the render.
The plugin is easy to use.
Code Modules:

AWorldDirectorNpcPRO(Type: Runtime)
UNpcDataProComponent(Type: Runtime)
Number of Blueprints: 3

Number of C++ Classes: 2

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: Win64

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64

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