
在当今数字化时代,3D 渲染不仅是一项技术技能,更是一种艺术表现形式。我在大学创建第一个 3D 渲染时,尽管作品的初级质量让我略感失落,但能够将逼真的材料应用于CAD模型的过程,令我倍感兴奋。这一经历激发了我对渲染技术的热爱,尽管我知道还有很多东西需要学习,但我相信,只需正确的方法和坚持不懈的练习,任何人都可以掌握这项技能。

几年后,我决定全职自由职业,专注于提升我的渲染技能。通过无数小时的实践、参与在线论坛以及向客户提供渲染服务,我逐渐掌握了渲染技术。最终,我开始在YouTube上制作 KeyShot 教程,并因此获得了与 KeyShot 制造商 Luxion 合作的机会。这让我有幸环游世界,为一些知名品牌的设计和工程团队教授 KeyShot 的使用技巧。

在我离开 Luxion 之后,我开设了自己的产品可视化工作室,专注于为客户创建渲染和动画。我深知,这份工作不仅仅是个人发展的旅程,更是我希望帮助他人实现梦想的方式。无论您是学生、兼职自由职业者,还是在职专业人士,我创办的课程都旨在帮助您快速掌握渲染技能。

我的 KeyShot 课程被认为是最全面的循序渐进教程。与大多数平面教程不同,我结合了基于功能和基于项目的学习方法:一方面,深入讲解每一个工具与功能;另一方面,通过实际项目,帮助学员亲自创作 usable 投资组合图像。这种独特的双重模式既能保持课程的趣味性,又能确保学习的系统性。

若要学习我的课程,您需要至少拥有 KeyShot Pro,推荐使用 KeyShot 10 或更新版本,以便随时跟上课程内容。如果您正在使用旧版本,许多概念和工具依然适用,但最新版本将为您提供更完整的学习体验。


课程时长:15.5小时 2560X1440 mp4 语言:英语 含课程文件

Release date:2021, January 27

Author:Will Gibbons

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What if there was one KeyShot course that could take you from beginner to pro?

Everyone loves a juicy product rendering! But who has time to learn the finer points of the software to really make that image shine? While there are plenty of basic or beginner KeyShot tutorials out there, few take the time to address all the tools or how to finish an image to the professional level… which is exactly why I made this course.

C00L0 – Course overview & contents C01L0 – The blueprint intro C01L1 – Gather Reference C01L2 – Make it dynamic C01L3 – Project file tour C02L0 – Model preparation intro C02L1 – Detail in CAD models C02L2 – Colors & part names C02L3 – Assembly structure C02L4 – Set dressing C02L5 – Exporting CAD C03L0 – KeyShot scene setup intro C03L1 – Importing the model C03L2 – KeyShot user interface C03L3 – KeyShot navigation C03L4 – Moving parts in KeyShot C03L5 – Rounded edges C04L0 – Materials intro C04L1 – Applying materials C04L2 – Linking and unlinking materials C04L3 – Editing material properties C04L4 – Saving materials C05L0 – Textures intro C05L1 – Applying textures C05L2 – Texture mapping types C05L3 – Center on texture modes C05L4 – UV texture mapping C05L5 – Normal maps C06L0 – Labels intro C06L1 – Whats a label_ C06L2 – Creating labels pt.1_ Illustrator C06L3 – Creating labels pt.2_ Photoshop C06L4 – Applying labels in KeyShot C07 PBL 1L0 – Material block-in intro C07 PBL 1L1 – Material block-in 1 – Table & external parts C07 PBL 1L2 – Material block-in 2 – Lower housing C07 PBL 1L3 – Material block-in 3 – Speaker C07 PBL 1L4 – Material block-in 4 – Antennae C07 PBL 1L5 – Material block-in 5 – Main PCB top C07 PBL 1L6 – Material block-in 6 – Main PCB bottom C07L0 – Material graph intro C07L1 – Building materials C07L2 – Procedural textures C07L3 – Overview of every procedural texture C07L4 – Utility nodes C07L5 – Adding imperfections C07L6 – Displacement C07L7 – Geometry nodes C08L0 – Lighting intro C08L1 – How HDRIs work C08L10 – Spot light C08L11 – Light manager C08L2 – Environment settings C08L3 – HDRI editor settings C08L4 – Making custom HDRIs C08L5 – About physical lights C08L6 – Emissive light C08L7 – Area light C08L8 – Point light C08L9 – IES light C09L0 – Cameras intro C09L1 – Creating saving updating cameras C09L2 – Camera position & orientation C09L3 – Camera lens settings C09L4 – Depth of field C10L0 – Studios intro C10L1 – Power of studios C10L2 – Creating model sets C10L3 – Creating multi-materials C10L4 – Creating cameras C10L5 – Creating environments C10L6 – Creating image styles C10L7 – Creating studios C11 PBL 2L0 – Studio setup intro C11 PBL 2L1 – Studio setup C11 PBL 3L0 – Lighting & finishing intro C11 PBL 3L1 – Finishing studio 2 C11 PBL 3L2 – Finishing studio 3 C11 PBL 3L3 – Finishing studio 4 C11 PBL 3L4 – Finishing studio 1 C11L0 – Staging intro C11L1 – Adding primitive geometry C11L2- Adding models or props C12 PBL C4L0 – Rendering intro C12 PBL C4L1 – Final render settings C12L0 – Rendering and output settings intro C12L1 – Real-time render settings C12L2 – Material samples C12L3 – Render layers C12L4 – Output file format & passes C12L5 – Options mode & samples C12L6 – Render queue C13 PBL C5L0 – Post production intro C13 PBL C5L1 – Studio 1 post production C13 PBL C5L2 – Studio 2 post production C13 PBL C5L3 – Studio 3 post production C13 PBL C5L4 – Studio 4 post production C13 PBL C5L5 – Final rendering review C13L0 – Post production intro C13L1 – Depth pass C13L2 – Render layers and passes in Photoshop C13L3 – Removing fireflies C13L4 – Photoshop camera RAW C13L5 – Saving best practices C14L0 – Next steps & parting thoughts [Will Gibbons] KeyShot Rendering Masterclass by Will Gibbons.7z.001 [Will Gibbons] KeyShot Rendering Masterclass by Will Gibbons.7z.002 [Will Gibbons] KeyShot Rendering Masterclass by Will Gibbons_Subtitles.7z

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