这门课程是为那些对CG有很好理解并且对全面了解Houdini以及如何利用其程序建模工具来创建3D资产、环境、着色和使用Mantra进行渲染感兴趣的人设计的。我们将创建大量资产,每个资产我们都会学习如何在Houdini中使用特定节点以及如何进行程序建模复杂几何体。我们将从分析和学习哥特式建筑开始,看看我们如何构建自己的解决方案来创建这种建筑中使用的标志性窗户、拱门和柱子,然后调整和组装各种资产以创建模块化块,一旦组装在一起,将在Houdini中创建一个非常复杂的程序环境。然后,我们将学习如何为主要资产程序创建UV。着色大部分创建的资产并开始照明和渲染我们的环境。到第5周结束时,学生应该对Houdini的工作原理有很深的理解,并且能够创建一个完整的环境。REBELWAY – Introduction To Houdini For 3D Artists 免责声明:这个课程包含了更多信息,每周的安排只是亮点。作业和每周的讲座非常严格,对于新手Houdini来说可能具有挑战性。要求学生在建模、着色和照明方面具有很好的CG背景,以便能够跟上。 课程时长:20小时 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语 含课程文件 作者:Saber Jlassi & Urban Bradesko

This course is designed for people who have a good understanding of CG and interested in gaining a full understanding of houdini and how to utilise it’s procedural modeling tools to create 3d assets, create environment, shade and render using mantra as well as learn how to composite using Houdini COPs.

We will be creating a vast number of assets with each we learn how to use certain nodes in houdini and how to procedurally model complex geometry.

We will start by analysis and learn about Gothic architecture and see how we can build our own solution to create the iconic windows, arches and pillar used in this architecture, we will then tweak and assemble various asset to create Modular blocks that once put together will create a very complex procedural environment in Houdini.

We will then learn how to procedurally create uvs for the main assets.

Shade the majority of the asset created and start lighting and rendering our environment.

By the end of the 5th week the student should acquire a very deep understanding of how Houdini works and be able to have a fully fledged environment created.


This workshop contains lot more information and the weekly breakdown is just the highlights.

Assignments and weekly lecture are very demanding and can be challenging to new Houdini comers.

It is required that the student have a very good CG background in modeling, shading and lighting to be able to follow along.


Intro to proceduralism and Houdini’s interface

Maya vs max vs Houdini, transition and differences

Intro to Houdini contexts

Intro to vex and pointvops

How to get the most out of the workshop

An in-depth look at modular design

Start modeling first elements of the environment


Solving problems in Houdini

A look at Gothic architecture and how to design tools to procedural create the various windows, arches, pillars and shapes

Layout and composition

Creating generic tools to help us build the various elements needed for the environment

Modeling the main blocks of the environment


Procedurally and dynamically assemble the environment

Model the environment ground

Procedural UV generation for the various model created

Bonus/Advanced: Creating OTLS In Houdini.

WEEK4 —-

Intro to shading, Lighing in mantra

Setting up a lookdev lightrig

Shade the various elements created for the main block of the environment

Create more complex shading by reading points attribute stored in the mesh to drive various parts of the shader

WEEK5 —–

Lighting the interior

Settings all the passes and aovs using takes

Render optimization

Compositing the various passes in cops

Create fog passes in Houdini using vdb volumes

WEEK6 —–BONUS/FREE(VIDEOS ONLY) Shading and lighting and rendering the environment in arnold 5.0

WEEK7 —–BONUS/FREE(VIDEOS ONLY) An in-depth look at Terrain tools in Houdini


Week 01 01 Intro 02 Houdini Versions 03 Proceduralism 04 Houdini Structure 05 Houdini Interface 06 Houdini Data 07 Houdini Maya 3Dsmax 08 Manipulating Geometry 09 Myth About Proceduralism 10 Procedural Example 11 Square To Circle 12 Custom Profile 13 Layout Part1 14 Layout Part2

Week 02 00_intro 01_numbers 02_gothic 03_references 04_soft_transforms 05_copy_sop 06_pillar_type1_part1 07_pillar_type1_part2 08_pillar_type2 09_fitrange 10_adv_pillar_part1 11_adv_pillar_part2 12_adv_pillar_part3 13_roof 14_motifs 15_extra_arches 16_assignment

Week 03 00_intro 01_cross_product 02_advanced_profile_part1 03_advanced_profile_part2 04_advanced_profile_part3 05_I_love_math 06_math_is_awesome 07_recursion_is_harder_than_math 08_recursion_using_for_each 09_recursion_using_for_each_part2 10_recursion_using_for_each_part3 11_main_block_part1 12_main_block_part2 13_main_block_part3 14_main_block_part4 15_main_block_part5 16_main_block_part6 17_main_block_part7 18_assignment

Week 04 00_intro 01_packed_primitives 02_packed_primitives 03_packed_primitives 04_point_vops 05_uv 06_uv_part2 07_uv_part3 08_shading_and_lighting 09_lights 10_shading 11_mantra 12_lookdev_setup 13_lookdev_setup 14_lookdev_setup2 15_lookdev_setup3 16_assignment

Week 05 00_intro 01_shading_packed_primitives 02_instancing 03_instancing_setup 04_back_block_setup 05_ground_setup 06_lighting_theory 08_lighting_part1 09_lighting_part2 10_lighting_part3 11_cop_intro 12_relighting 13_compositing_tricks 14_final_touches 15_animating_lights 16_displacement 17_round_edge 18_dirtMask 19_the_end


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