本课程《Houdini for 3D Artists》旨在教授学员Houdini的基本知识,重点在于程序生成技术的应用,课程长度为八周,总时长超过32小时。通过使用Houdini的工具和技术,学员将学会构建和修改三维环境,包括如何使用Copernicus进行程序化纹理处理以及如何在Solaris中制作场景。课程由经验丰富的视觉特效专家Jason Slabber讲授,旨在帮助学生有效地进入视觉特效行业并提升其专业技能。
- 本课程专为初学者设计,教授Houdini的基础知识和程序生成技术。
- 学员将学习如何构建和修改三维环境,并使用HDAs和库工具提高效率。
- 课程内容包括在Solaris中为网格准备展示并使用Karma进行渲染。
- 学员将学会使用Copernicus进行程序化纹理处理,并结合Megascans纹理进行细节调整。
- 课程将涵盖创建步道、楼梯和桥梁等主要构件的构建技巧。
- 提供的学习平台包括个性化指导和与其他艺术家的网络连接机会。
课程时长:32.5小时 2560X1440 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(含中文朗读)含课程文件
- 高效性:程序生成技术允许艺术家通过算法和规则自动生成复杂的三维环境和模型。这种方法大大减少了手动建模的时间,使得艺术家能够更快地完成项目。
- 灵活性:使用程序生成技术,艺术家可以轻松地修改参数和设置,从而快速调整和优化模型。这种灵活性使得在设计过程中能够快速迭代,适应不断变化的需求。
- 一致性:程序生成技术确保了在整个项目中保持一致的风格和质量。通过使用相同的算法和规则,艺术家可以创建出风格统一的资产,减少了人工干预可能带来的不一致性。
- 细节控制:Houdini的程序化纹理处理框架(如Copernicus)允许艺术家在纹理细节上进行精细控制。结合Megascans纹理,艺术家可以实现更高质量的视觉效果。
- 资源节省:通过自动化生成过程,艺术家可以将更多时间和精力集中在创意和设计上,而不是重复的建模任务。这不仅提高了工作效率,还能提升最终作品的质量。
- 适应性强:程序生成技术能够轻松适应不同的项目需求和风格,使得艺术家能够在多种类型的项目中应用相同的技术。
This course will teach you how to build and modify environments using HDAs and shelf tools.
Explore methods for preparing meshes tailored for display in Solaris and rendering with Karma’s powerful instancing system. Simplify scene creation in Solaris with direct USD export from the SOP context, freeing up time for detailed shader and lighting adjustments.rebelway教程
Taking it a step further, we explore using Copernicus, Houdini’s powerful new procedural texturing framework. This will allow us to craft specific details. Combining this with Megascans textures to give us the ultimate control over our shaders.
We start off by having a look at an overview of the project and the various workflows covered in the course. Breaking down the components of the project we discuss the technical approaches to be able to achieve our goals. Then we dive into the Project setup to establish the base of our workflow.
We dive right in, starting with the center of the environment we create and build the main platform using procedural modeling. Here we will build a detailing shelf tool that will allow us to quickly apply the same setup to other components in the environment . Before finalizing the platform geometry we make sure it’s setup correctly for rendering in Solaris. As part of this setup we build a HDA to quickly generate shaders using Megascans textures.
This week we dive into the main walkway setup for the environment. Starting off we build the base walkway that can be generated from curves. Then we establish the workflow for auto generating stairs based on curve angles.
Continuing with our walkways, we set up a base HDA that we will build on as we develop the walkways. Building the first components of the walkway we look at generating render ready instances for the top and side walls of the walkways. We then learn how to randomly instance the geometry onto individual primitives rather than copy to points.
Building on the walkways we look at generating the stairs geometry and how to instance them based on different angles. Adding to our HDA, we build a setup to generate bridges and archways. We finalize the walkways setup for exporting to USD for rendering.
This week we move onto building the other assets for the environment, we take advantage of some existing setups that we have established to help quickly build highly detailed render ready geometry.
This week we take a look at using this powerful procedural texturing toolset. Covering the basics, we learn how to layer up texture detail by compositing various operations together. We learn how to import geometry and attributes to enhance texture detail, finally assigning the textures to shaders and setting up parameters to get the most out of the details.
For the final week, we import our animated character and cameras we learn how to load them into Solaris We finalize the Solaris setup, assigning shaders to our environment and taking a look at how to setup per shot lighting and render settings.
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3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!