Release date:2022, November

Author:Christopher Lis

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What you’ll learn

Setup a development environment Create and move a player’s spaceship Import game images Generate grids of enemy invaders at set intervals Shoot projectiles Remove enemies with precise collision detection Create bombs that explode multiple invaders at once Obtain machine gun power-ups that alter your rate of fire Make enemies progressively harder Add particle animations that follow your spaceship Develop a game UI using HTML and CSS Start and end screens with a restart button Add custom sound effects and music Code consistent frame rates for all types of monitors Deploy to GitHub pages

Requirements You should understand basic JavaScript

principles like var, let, const, for loops, and functions

Some prior knowledge with HTML canvas will help, although it’s not strictly required

Discription PLEASE READ: This is a freemium course—the first 2 1/2 hours are free (you can watch right here on Udemy [or YouTube] with each video’s “Preview” button), while the remaining 3 hours require course purchase. I’ve always been a big advocate of spreading the basics to as many people as possible, as I believe knowledge and personal growth are some of the best ways to better our world as a whole. Enjoy.

Welcome to the Code Space Invaders course, where you will learn how to create a custom variation of the classic game, Space Invaders. We’ll use JavaScript and HTML5 canvas fundamentals to progressively enhance your game development skills, and go all the way ’til you have a full-blown Space Invaders game live on the web.

My name is Christopher Lis, and I’m an award-winning Full-Stack Engineer with over ten years of web development experience. I’ve directly worked with clients like Harvard University, The Basketball Tournament, and premium award-winning agencies like Brave People.

The goal of this course is to give you the skillset required to code your own JavaScript games from scratch. Many game dev fundamentals are covered in this course, and much of what you’ll learn uses hand-written math functions rather than hidden away abstractions that game dev libraries typically provide.

In this course, you’ll learn everything from:

Setup a development environment Create and move a player’s spaceship Import game images Generate grids of enemy invaders at set intervals Shoot projectiles Remove enemies with precise collision detectionk Create bombs that explode multiple invaders at once Obtain machine gun power-ups that alter your rate of fire Make enemies progressively harder Add particle animations that follow your spaceship Develop a game UI using HTML and CSS Start and end screens with a restart button Add custom sound effects and music Code consistent frame rates for all types of monitors Deploy to GitHub pages And so much more.

If you’re serious about taking your game dev skills to the next level, then let me guide you through the full production of a 2D Space Invaders game that’s ready for production launch.

Who is Course for? Beginner game devs looking to bolster their skills and better understand game development in general

1. The Essentials

01. Project setup 02. Create a player 03. Move player 04. Create projectiles 05. Create an invader 06. Create grid of invaders 07. Spawn grids at intervals 08. Shoot invaders 09. Update grid width 10. Invader projectiles 11. Enemy explosions 12. Background stars 13. Lose condition 14. Score 15. Fixed width canvas

2. Premium Features

01. Dynamic score labels 02. Explosive bombs 03. Machine gun power-up 04. Progressively harder enemies 05. Spaceship sprite animation 06. Start and game over UI 07. Sound effects and music 08. Consistent frame rate across screens 09. Refactor and touch-ups 10. Deploy 11. Show score on game over

[Udemy] Space Invaders with JavaScript and HTML Canvas.7z [Udemy] Space Invaders with JavaScript and HTML Canvas_Subtitles.7z

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