Release date:2022, November

Duration:04 h 18 m

Author:Nhance School

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

This product covers all aspects of Art Theory, technical details, software settings, painting techniques. Perfect for increasing your value in the gamedev!

3 Modules, 15 lessons (3+ hours), Realtime/ Timelapse processes.

All 3D models, maps included.

Module 1:

Introduction to 3D Coat and Substance Painter, setting up software and painting process video

Light and Color Theory, sphere and stone tile examples, painting tips and layers in Photoshop

Painting a low poly Wood Sign, both real-time and timelapse with commentary Module 2:

Painting and analysis of materials such as Wood, Stone, and Metal

Handpaint Design lesson Module 3:

Substance and 3D Coat


Texturing two creatures (Stingray and Ulcer), timelapse texturing with commentary and full real-time processes

Bonus “Success as an Artist” video.

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