Release date:2023

Duration:08 h 02 m

Author:Patrick Ballesteros

Skill level:Beginner


Dynamic Sketching is a course that teaches you how to communicate visually through drawing principles and knowledge. By observing the world around you, you will be able to approach it and create your own designs. Although design can be challenging to master, Dynamic Sketching provides stepping stones along the way. Dynamic Sketching 1 is a class that focuses on building a foundation in basic drawing skills. Using pen and toned paper, students will learn to break down objects into their simplest forms and build confidence in their line work. If you are interested, please click on “Request Syllabus” under your instructor’s profile to download a detailed materials list.

Table of Contents

Week 1 | Introduction Learn the importance of warming up before drawing, including exercises for line control and weight, as well as a materials review.

Week 2 | Perspective Explore basic exercises to improve your perspective drawing skills, along with tips and tricks for drawing ellipses and achieving realistic perspective.

Week 3 | Organic Forms Learn how to create convincing volumes through the use of organic forms and contour lines. This technique involves studying textures and applying them to basic forms to give the illusion of depth and dimensionality. By practicing texture studies and applying them to your drawings, you can develop your skills and create more realistic and compelling artwork.

Week 4 | Lighting & Textures Gain an understanding of basic lighting and how it interacts with form to create visual interest. Learn how to apply textures to enhance the effect of lighting, and how to create a focal point using arrows. Explore the ways in which light behaves differently on various materials and textures to create unique visual effects. With these skills, you can create engaging and dynamic artwork while having fun with the creative process.

Week 5 | Creating Depth & Volume Learn how to combine and manipulate the five basic forms (sphere, cube, cylinder, cone, and torus) to create convincing volumes in your artwork. By dissecting these forms, you can develop an understanding of how to create depth and dimensionality in your drawings. Basic form analysis techniques can be used to enhance your understanding of the interplay between these forms, giving you the ability to create more complex and believable forms. With these skills, you can take your artwork to the next level and create stunning, realistic pieces.

Week 6 | Draw from Observation Take a trip to an arboretum or garden, or visit local parks and plant nurseries, to draw organic forms from observation. Learn how to break these forms down into simple thumbnails, and understand how to finish a drawing. Build your visual vocabulary by practicing everything you have absorbed from previous weeks, this time drawing from life with plants as the subject matter. By drawing from observation, you can hone your skills and gain a deeper understanding of how to represent organic forms in your artwork.

Week 7 | Redesign Project Use the knowledge and skills gained from observation to create original concepts for the entertainment industry. Apply your understanding of shapes and forms of plants to design environments, characters, vehicles, props, and more. By using your observations as inspiration, you can create unique and compelling designs that draw from the natural world. This exercise will challenge you to think creatively and develop your ability to conceptualize ideas for use in the entertainment industry.

Week 8 | Redesign Project, Part 2

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