Release date:2023

Author: Francisco Fonseca

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

For the final project of the “Imaginary Places: Draw, Paint, and Digitize on Photoshop” course, you will be encouraged to use the skills and techniques you have learned throughout the course to create your own unique imaginary place. Here are the steps you can follow:

Gather Inspiration: Take the time to gather inspiration from your surroundings, whether it’s through sketchbook sketches, textures, or experiences. Observe the details of the world around you, such as how light falls on objects, the colors of the sun, and the shadows created. Use this inspiration to fuel your creativity and come up with ideas for your imaginary place.

Create a Mood Board: Use the inspiration you’ve gathered to create a mood board. This can be a collage of images, sketches, textures, and other visual elements that represent the mood, atmosphere, and style you want to convey in your imaginary place. Keep track of your progress with different pictures of each step and explain the choices you’ve made along the way.

Develop Textures: Use the abstract nature of creating textures to spark new ideas for your imaginary place. Experiment with different techniques and tools in Photoshop to create unique textures that can be used in your illustrations. Create a folder to store these textures, as they can be used in your future illustrations as well.

Infuse Your Imagination: Once you have gathered inspiration and created textures, it’s time to infuse your imagination into your project. Use the skills and techniques you have learned in the course, such as drawing, painting, and digitizing on Photoshop, to bring your imaginary place to life. Be creative and experiment with different styles, colors, and compositions to make your project truly unique.

Document Your Process: As you work on your final project, document your process by taking pictures and explaining the choices you’ve made along the way. This will not only help you track your progress but also provide insight into your creative process, which can be helpful if you need advice or guidance from your instructor.

Create a Unique Project: Whether you choose to finish the illustration you started during the course tasks or start a brand new project, make sure to create a unique project that reflects your artistic style and vision. Don’t be afraid to take risks and push your creative boundaries to make your imaginary place come to life in a way that is truly your own.

By following these steps and using the skills and techniques you’ve learned in the course, you will be able to create a unique imaginary place that showcases your creativity and artistic abilities. Don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the process of bringing your imagination to life on Photoshop!

Final project

014 – Imaginary Places – Draw, Paint, and Digitize on Photoshop

Unit 1 – Introduction

001 – About Me 002 – Influences

Unit 2 – Preparation – References and Basic Skills

003 – Finding Inspiration 004 – Drawing Techniques 005 – The Sketchbook as an Experimental Tool

Unit 3 – Experimenting and Creating the Base Sketch

006 – Making a Folder of Textures 007 – How to Refine a Sketch

Unit 4 – Digitizing the Illustration

008 – Combining Textures and Sketches 009 – The Key Layering Concepts 010 – Shading and Color Correction 011 – Finishing the Illustration

Unit 5 – Adapting, Printing, and Posting on Social Media

012 – Different Adaptations 013 – Printing and Sharing the Image Online

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