Release date:2019

Duration:00 h 38 m

Author: Robert Marzullo

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this class, you will learn how to draw this muscle-bound brute! Can’t have comics without one of these dudes, right? We will talk more about proportions, anatomy, and design.

First, we will work off a traditional comic book hero type and then make adjustments to get the massive monster you see here. This can be a fun and informative exercise to understand the difference with character design.

After you get these proportions in place, practice drawing them in a variety of poses. It will help you to feel more comfortable with the subject at hand.

I hope you enjoy this class and I am here if you have any questions or recommendations for me!

Table of Contents

1. Introduction Video 1:16

2. Drawing the Brutes – Proportions 10:08

3. Creating a Suit Design for Our Character 6:04

4. Rendering the Various Surfaces 5:41

5. Drawing an Angled Pose of the Same Character 9:46

6. Critiquing and Editing Your Own Work 5:16

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