Release date:2015

Duration:00 h 50 m

Author:Donovan Valdes

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In the first part of this series, you learned how to create a cartoon character bird. And in part 2, you’ll learn how to add color to your finished sketch to start bringing your character to life.

Follow along with professional animation artist, Donovan Valdes, and discover how you can use the amazing capabilities of Photoshop to enhance your drawings and create an endless range of colors and brush strokes.

You’ll get a complete guide to mixing colors and using Photoshop brushes – all explained in a simple, fun way which will help you get the results you’ve been looking for in all your drawings and paintings.

Ready to let your creativity take flight?

You’ll learn:

How to mix exactly the right colors for your art project

How to block in areas of color quickly and easily

How to use channels and masks in Photoshop to fill in areas with neat, crisp edges (and this is so much easier than you may have thought!)

After watching this course, you’ll have a whole new set of digital art skills at your fingertips which you’ll be able to use in any of your character designs.

Donovan gives you a complete guide to using Photoshop brushes, and how you can customize these easily to suit your subject matter.

You’ll also see how to mix and blend colors quickly, which means you’ll be able to get your ideas down in much less time. This course takes all the confusion out of using color sliders in Photoshop, and gives you clear guidance which will help change the way you make art digitally.

So, are you ready to learn how to create a cartoon character bird and color like a pro animation artist?

If you’re not a Pencil Kings member yet, just click the button below to unlock this awesome new video course and start having fun with your art!

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