Release date:2022, August

Author:Mohammed Yaseen Ali

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What you’ll learn

From basics to advanced commands of AutoCAD Practical use of CAD softwares How to use XREF command What are references Working with Blocks & Objects Working with Layers


Passion for AutoCAD

Interest in upgrading skills

No experience required


Do you want to learn AutoCAD? We’ve got the training for you.

AutoCAD is the world’s leading design software, and in this course, we’ll teach you all about it: from basic to advanced commands, from practical use of CAD software to how to use XREF command. And don’t worry—we’re going to cover everything that you need to know about working with blocks and objects, layers and references. You’ll learn how to use AutoCAD for your own projects, whether they’re small or huge.

This course is for anyone who wants to upgrade their skills or get more out of AutoCAD. Who knows—maybe you’re an architect looking for new ways to design a building; maybe you’re a designer who wants to create something amazing but needs some pointers on how to get started; maybe you’re an engineering student who just wants to play around with some cool software! Whatever your reasons are, this course is designed specifically for people like YOU: passionate engineers who want more out of their tools than just understanding “what can I do with it?”

This course is for you if:

You are an engineering student, architect, designer, or a beginner engineer. You have a passion for AutoCAD. You want to learn how to use the advanced commands of AutoCAD. You want to understand and use references within your drawings.

AutoCAD is a versatile program that can be used for virtually any design project. Whether you’re an architect, designer, or engineer, you’ll learn how to use AutoCAD’s basic commands and advanced features to unlock its full potential.

Whether you’re a new user or an experienced one, this course will help you use AutoCAD to its fullest potential.

Who this course is for

Engineering students Architects Designers Beginner Engineers Experienced Engineers
01. Introduction

01. Introduction 02. What you will learn 03. About the trainer

02. Understanding the software

01. Version details 02. Intro to Autodesk family 03. Why AutoCAD LT 04. Lets understand the software

03. First File

01. Opening the AutoCAD file 02. First Look 02.1 3B – First Look and details of CAD file 03. EXTRA TIP – What are Layouts & Renaming Layouts

04. Basic commands of AutoCAD

01. MOVE command 02. CUT command 03. COPY command 04. PASTE command 05. ERASE command + select similar

05. EXTRA Segment 1

01. Selecting items objects 02. ZOOM commands 03. QSAVE or quick save + save as commands 04. More ways to COPY 05. More ways to PASTE

06. Intermediary commands for AutoCAD

01. PURGE command 02. Working with LAYERS 03. BEDIT command for blocks 04. EXPLODE command for blocks 05. LAYOUTS in AutoCAD 06. A deeper look! 07. Lets PURGE again!

07. EXTRA Segment 2

01. More on BLOCK 02. More on LAYERS 03. TABLE command for creating legends

08. Advanced commands in AutoCAD

01. XREF command 02. How to open references 03. Modifying a reference file 04. Detaching references

09. EXTRA Segment 3

01. Most important command 02. What is UCS and PLAN 03. TRIM + EXTEND + FILLET 04. The SCALE command 05. How to add TEXT DIMENSIONS 06. The Measure tool

10. FINAL Look and Practice assignments

01. Final Look of the drawing! 02. Practice makes perfect!

[Udemy] Advanced commands in AutoCAD.7z [Udemy] Advanced commands in AutoCAD_Subtitles.7z

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