Release date:2022, September

Author:Sjors De Laat

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this video tutorial, Sjors De Laat will give you an overview of Substance Designer for realtime FX work. Substance Designer is one of the most incredible tools for creating procedural textures and assets for 3D work. Using the tool, you can create and emulate just about any texture found throughout the world.

The tool is also specifically helpful for creating low-cost textures that can quickly render in a realtime tool like Unreal Engine. That’s where today’s video comes into play…

Video Tutorial: The Basics of Substance Designer for Realtime FX​ In today’s video tutorial, Sjors De Laat will show you how to use this amazing tool for realtime work. The tutorial will cover many of the various techniques and features that you can use as a beginner to this tool.

In the video Sjors talks about how to interpret color codes for inputs and outputs, the importance of quantizing, and how histograms can affect your work. He even goes into how to make your projects not look ‘procedural’ but more natural in the way they look.

By the end of the tutorial you will be able to create a lens flare and cloud directly in substance designer. It’s a fantastic tutorial and resource.

Create Stunning Realtime FX You have the power to create incredible realtime FX and we’re here to help you achieve your FX skills. Check out our Realtime FX for Games and Cinematics here at Rebelway. The course is a deep dive into how to high-end VFX work utilizing the latest AAA game studio techniques. Here’s a trailer of the course.

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