Release date:2022

Author:Patrick Jones

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Within this groundbreaking book modern master, Patrick J. Jones, lays bare decades worth of his Masterclass figure drawing methods. Building on the forgotten secrets of the old masters Patrick demonstrates, step-by-step, new exciting methods for accelerating your drawing skills. Also unique to this book are faithful reproductions of Patrick’s beautiful anatomy and drawing study sheets! Until now these drawings were only seen and treasured by his Masterclass students. Each study sheet includes essential figure drawing notes and memory clues to refer to at a glance. Generously packed with Patrick’s incredible drawings and a lifetime of insightful tips, no serious student or art lover can afford to miss this lavishly illustrated book!!! Patrick J. Jones is a multi award winning artist and author of the best selling book, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Oil Painting Techniques.

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