Release date:2023

Author:Kaitrin Snodgrass

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

This course is intended for beginners or those looking to refresh their skills in storyboarding. Over the course of five weeks, we will cover the essential tools and techniques needed for storyboarding, including drawing, camera angles, composition, cutting, camera moves, lighting, and genre. Homework assignments will be given each week to practice what is learned, and the final assignment, to create a storyboard under 60 panels or one minute, will be reviewed in the final class. The final class will also include reviews of work and answering any remaining questions from students.

Additionally, the course will provide an introduction to the key concepts and techniques of storyboarding, such as visual storytelling, pacing, and shot selection. Students will have the opportunity to work on their own projects and receive feedback from the instructor. By the end of the course, students will have a solid understanding of the basics of storyboarding and the ability to create their own storyboards for film, animation, or other mediums. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in pursuing a career in storyboarding, animation or film making.

Furthermore, the course will also cover the use of software and digital tools commonly used in the industry, such as storyboarding software and digital drawing tablets. Students will also learn how to use these tools to create professional-looking storyboards. The course will also provide an introduction to the industry standards and best practices in storyboarding, which will help the students to understand the professional requirements of the industry.

This class will be a hands-on, interactive course with plenty of opportunities to practice and develop your skills. By the end of the course, you will have the foundation to take on more advanced projects and be well on your way to achieving your goal of becoming a professional storyboard artist.

The course will cover the following topics over the course of five weeks:

Week 1: Drawing for Storyboarding We will cover techniques for creating efficient, clear drawings for different genres and formats of products.

Week 2: Camera Shots and Composition We will discuss various camera shots and how to use elements within them to create compelling compositions, including the 180 Degree rule.

Week 3: Cutting and Flow (Camera Moves) We will focus on continuity in editing, hook-ups, screen direction, and how to move the camera to enhance a scene.

Week 4: Lighting and Genre We will explore how lighting and genre can be used to evoke certain emotions in the audience.

Week 5: Final Review and Q&A The final class will include reviews of homework assignments for students who signed up for the review and a Q&A session to answer any remaining questions.

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