Release date:2022

Duration:07 h 07 m

Author:Rising Line

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Cha Rong Sun welcomes you to her watercolor portrait class. Do you find portraits and watercolors daunting? Fear not! In this class, you will learn how to create atmospheric and detailed characters using watercolors. You will be able to express yourself freely through colors while experiencing the beauty of watercolors. Join us and discover the joy of painting portraits with watercolors.

Course effect Develop skills in drawing accurate shapes using transcription techniques Learn how to use watercolors to create atmospheric characters Understand the theory of contrast and dark expression to directly express light and shadow Learn how to choose and create colors that suit the subject or person being drawn. Recommended classes Beginners who want to learn watercolor techniques for portraits and character illustrations Those who want to improve their skills in color theory and light and shadow expression Artists who want to explore new ways of creating atmospheric characters with watercolors Anyone who wants to learn how to create portraits and character illustrations without having to rely heavily on sketching. 3 reasons why this class is special

1. A class where you can directly color people using the technique of transcription This class offers a unique approach to coloring people through the use of transcription techniques. The method ensures accurate shape drawing, making it easier for beginners to proceed with coloring. With this class, students can complete forms quickly and dedicate more time to creating atmospheric characters through coloring.

2. Smudging is not a mistake, it’s a watercolor technique Watercolor’s unique smudging effect is often mistakenly perceived as a failure or mistake in water control, when in fact it is one of the most attractive expressions in watercolor. As water is a fundamental component in watercolor painting, it is essential to utilize the inherent properties of water. In this class, we will explore how to determine the ideal amount of water for each brush stroke, and use smudging techniques to achieve a gentle mood and bring our characters to life.

3. Watercolors can also be retouched! Watercolors can be retouched multiple times, allowing for a wide range of corrections using a brush to remove incorrect paint and reapply it. This technique is similar to using an eraser. With the ability to make corrections, you can draw closer to your vision and achieve a high degree of perfection in your artwork. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as watercolors are easier to work with than you may believe.

0-1 A drop of emotion on paint, warm character watercolor 0-2 Hallo Its a straight line 1-1 What materials do I need to paint watercolors 1-2 I understand brush and intensity control for rich pictures 1-3 Try to relax your hands while doing basic coloring 1-4 A key technique of portraiture. Gradation and smudging expression 2-1 Lets learn the expressions of various gradations 2-2 Understanding the principles of superposition and contrast 2-3 Lets use gradation techniques to express natural skin 3-1 The secret to drawing shapes easily! Learn warrior techniques 3-2 Lets apply the undertone of the skin. Wet on wet technique 3-3 Slowly increase the intensity to express a medium tone 3-4 Detailed thematic expression of eyes and lips 3-5 Delicate portrayal and finish of characters 4-1 Lets review the transfer technique of drawing accurate shapes 4-2 Lets apply a base color for transparent skin. Wet on dry technique 4-3 How to refine a shape by expressing a soft medium tone 4-4 Express the texture of hair, eyebrows, and lips in detail 4-5 The end of a depiction expressed with a brush. Lashes and hair 5-1 Learn the strength and strength of Zen by transcending form lines 5-2 Expresses the undertone and unique color of the skin. Wet on wet techniques 5-3 Lets emphasize unique color expressions and shape lines! 5-4 How to increase the density of attention-grabbing details 5-5 How to add different tones and organize pictures 6-1 [Outro] Congratulations on your stubbornness! Korean Audio.7z.rar Resources.7z [Class101] A drop of emotion on paint, warm character watercolor by Rising Line (Korean, English)_Subtitles.7z

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