Release date:2022

Duration:08 h 43 m

Author:Seongyu Lee

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Hello everyone; I am Lee Sung-yu, an illustrator, and I am thrilled to meet all of you. Before we start our class, I’d like to ask you a question – have you ever finished a drawing and felt like something was missing? Or you’ve worked hard on a piece but can’t seem to like it. I have experienced these feelings many times as an artist, and I know how frustrating it can be. Recognizing what we lack is essential, but identifying precisely where the issue lies is often challenging.

This class is designed for anyone who can relate to these struggles. I invite you to join me on a journey to explore what you might be lacking and learn new knowledge and skills that can help take your artwork to the next level. Together, we will identify the areas where you need improvement and work on them through various exercises and techniques. Let’s take the first step towards becoming better artists and enjoy the process of creating beautiful art.

Creating paintings that leave a lasting impression on others is a goal that many artists strive for. I, too, have been on this quest and have thought long and hard about how to achieve it. What I have come to realize is that paintings that remain etched in the viewer’s mind for a long time are the ones that make the strongest impression. Such paintings can have a more significant impact than those that receive many likes on social media platforms.

To create such a painting, it is necessary to combine several elements. This is precisely what I will be teaching in this class. I have designed this course to remove the stress and worries I have experienced over the years. Rather than focusing on just one aspect, such as the human body, light, color, or attractive characters and illustrations, I will be delving into various details crucial to creating a painting that leaves a lasting impression.

In this class, you will learn about the importance of each element and how they come together to create a masterpiece. You will also learn techniques to hone your skills and make your paintings stand out. With this class, you will be well on your way to creating images that are not just memorable but awe-inspiring.

Creating art is a challenging feat. Some people need help with blurry lines and a sense of color usage. However, fear not, as there is a solution to this problem. I highly recommend the glazing coloring method. With this technique, you can achieve transparent and dense coloring, resulting in beautiful artwork.

Please explain how to use the glazing coloring method more straightforwardly and detailedly. Feel free to experiment with different colors and have fun with the process.

Facial expressions are the fastest and most straightforward way to convey a character’s emotions. Nonetheless, it’s possible to express feelings even with minimal lighting. Did you happen to know about this? When creating an illustration, conveying what I want to say is crucial. If the audience can sense my intention, it’s a successful drawing. Nevertheless, constantly displaying emotions through the character’s facial expressions can become tedious. That’s why I frequently incorporate lighting, which can alter the mood and teach you how to produce artwork with light.

Although I can draw a character’s face, many individuals need help progressing to the next level. When creating an illustration, my skills, and basic abilities are apparent when I obscure the face. I am collaborating with you to provide skills and fundamental knowledge. Apart from clothing wrinkles, I’ll delve into various materials and explain how to enhance picture quality straightforwardly.

Moreover, characters can often appear repetitive. I’ll be able to teach you feelings of all ages and genders, regardless of whether you only draw boys or girls, and I aim to broaden the scope of characters you can depict.

Drawing should be enjoyable; I’m sure you’ve heard this often. However, it’s the most challenging aspect to achieve. Furthermore, discovering your unique artistic style can be a daunting task. I spent considerable time searching for my style, and studying enabled me to find it. I hope you’ll discover your style through this course.

Drawing aimlessly will only enhance your abilities slowly. I pulled one sheet daily for a year, yet my skills could have improved significantly. Instead, I learned something new from daily study or observing other artists’ speed drawings.

I created this course with my expertise, aiming to provide a more advanced starting point for beginners and additional tips for intermediate students. This class will be beneficial to many individuals.

0 Welcome – Hello

0.1 Hallo This is Lee Sung-yu 0.2 What the class will cover 0.3 Learn about Clip Studio tools

1 Attractive Face

1.1 Proportion of features 1.2 Facial features depending on the angle 1.3 Diverse impressions 1.4 Colorful facial expressions

2 Attractive Face Coloring

2.1 The reason why it is drawn in a hazy way 2.2 Clear and dense skin coloring 2.3 Depicting live-action eyeballs

3 Broaden your drawing range

3.1 drawing a child 3.2 Drawing young boys and boys 3.3 Bishoujo, girl drawing 3.4 drawing an old man

4 Light and Color

4.1 Shadows on the face depending on the direction of light 4.2 The importance of light and lighting 4.3 The atmosphere changes depending on the time of day 4.4 Find a variety of colors and your own

5 Draw your own illustrations

5.1 Eye-catching illustrations 5.2 Preparation process before drawing 5.3 About the human body 5.4 Commissioning 5.5 Line painting 5.6 Set light direction 5.7 Depicting (1)- Face 5.8 Depicting (2)- Clothes,Backgrounds 5.9 Picture correction and completion

6 Create an unobscured illustration in black and white

6.1 Glazing coloring 6.2 Catch the light loudly 6.3 Raise the quality to black and white 6.4 Adding three-dimensionality to a picture 6.5 Undercolor 6.6 Material description 6.7 Raise the quality

7 OUTRO – Have fun with painting

7.1 Have fun studying painting 7.2 Find your own painting 7.3 Overcoming the slump 7.4 Thank you for your hard work

[Class101] Illustrations that grab attention and never let go. Lets draw together by Seongyu Lee (Korean, Eng sub).7z

[Class101] Illustrations that grab attention and never let go. Lets draw together by Seongyu Lee (Korean, Eng sub)_Subtitles.7z

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