Release date:2019, September


Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

The course on character creation in Zbrush consists of two parts: theoretical (10 lessons) and practical (39 lessons). Each lesson focuses on a specific topic for easy navigation throughout the course. In the first part, you will familiarize yourself with the program’s interface, capabilities, and built-in functions. In the second part, you will start creating a character, mastering the use of masks and brush creation, utilizing the maximum available options in Zbrush. You will also learn how to confidently use Dynamesh, ZRemesher, Sculptris Mode, ZSphere, and LiveBoolean. The simple and well-structured presentation of the material will help you learn from scratch how to create unique characters and their equipment, and master various 3D sculpting techniques in Zbrush.unity3dschool

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