Release date:2018, April 3

Duration:01 h 36 m

Author:dr. Sybren A. Stüvel

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

In this video training series, dr. Sybren A. Stüvel shows how to get started with Blender scripting. As the title suggests, this series is aimed at artists, and not so much at people who fancy a programming career.

We will start by simply copy-pasting commands from Blender’s user interface into the Python console, to learn how to let Blender perform tasks by command, rather than clicking on buttons. From there we build more complex scripts that can do a lot of monkey work for us. In effect, we let Blender click its own buttons!

Course Structure The Scripting for Artists course consists of two parts. Firstly there are five training videos to teach you scripting, which already gives you a basis in Blender’s Python interface. The second part is a series of shorter tech videos in which we look at concrete problems and their solutions.

The slides will be linked into each video description, as well as the links to documentation and other websites.

Table of Contents
Introduction & copy-pasting code from Blender’s UI Names & Objects Stuff on Lists Data Types Collections: mass-rename of objects Updating animation data Rendering 10,000 OBJ files Automatically renaming bones & vertex groups Rendering an object from all angles

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