Release date:2016

Author:Juan Pablo Bouza

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Advanced Rigging BlenRig 5 is an Auto-Rigging and Skinning system for Blender. The project started back in 2007 and has had several public releases since then. One of the main objectives of BlenRig is to give the users the possibility to rig their own characters obtaining high quality results, no matter what level of expertise they may have.

With a predefined body deformation system and an advanced facial rig, BlenRig 5 is able to deliver production level characters.

Used in Feature films, Blender Open movies and short films, BlenRig 5 is finally open to the world!

BlenRig development is constantly on going, so you can check for updates in the blog.

Drop us a comment in the blog if you have any question, feedback or suggestion!

##About Juan Pablo Bouza Juan began using Blender in 2006, and started the BlenRig project as a way to retribute to the community all the freedom that Blender and Open Source Software gave him. Although he is a 3D generalist, he is mostly known for being a Character TD, and worked in several Argentinian Feature Films, as well as in the latest Blender Open Movies.

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