Release date:2018, September 17

Duration:02 h 30 m

Author: Skillshare

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

In this class you will learn to use the new Unity Probuilder and Progrids asset.

Using Unity has always been a great experience but now with Probuilder it has become even better!

Probuilder give you the ability to block out your world and test your gameplay with having to leave the software at all. Blocking out your world is important. Before adding details houses and chairs etc… use Probuilder to get your idea out first.

In this class you will learn the basic of Unity’s Probuilder and Progrids to help get you started!

What is Procore

How to install Probuilder

Navigating in 3D


Creating a new shape

Using the New Poly Tool

Smoothing a Mesh Facenormals

Playing with Vertex Colors

Material Editor

UV Editor

Lets Probuilderize a Object

Mirror Tool

Merge and Weld Vertices

Subdivide a Object

Using the Vertex Edge and Faces Tool

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