Release date:2018

Duration:01 h 34 m

Author:Travis Vermilye

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this class, we’ll walk step-by-step through creating a short 5-second clip of blood cells flowing down a blood vessel in a cellular environment using Cinema 4D, the built-in ProRender, and some compositing in Adobe After Effects.

We’ll cover modeling, texturing, lighting, animating, rendering, and compositing.

This class is designed for intermediate users, but If you’re new to Cinema 4D, you should still be able to follow along. I’ll describe how some features work, such as the ProRender and MoGraph, as I go.

Take a look at what you’ll be making!

Table of Contents

1. 1 0:48

2. Modeling the Environment 5:55

3. Creating the Cell Field 6:00

4. Modeling the Vessels 8:14

5. Modeling the Red Blood Cells 12:30

6. Animating the RBCs Part 1 9:46

7. Animating the RBCs Part 2 5:30

8. Lighting the Scene with ProRender Preview 11:09

9. Creating Textures / Materials 8:32

10. Making Some Refinements 8:31

11. Rendering the Scenes 4:38

12. Compositing in After Effects 11:29

13. 13 0:40

14. 14 0:20

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