Release date:2019, July

Duration:04 h 00 m

Author:Aaron Nace

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

REMOVE BLEMISHES & PRESERVE NATURAL SKIN TEXTURE Beauty Retouching Beauty retouching is all about removing distractions and inconsistencies so that a person’s natural features stand out. Learn from one of the best on how to make subtle, yet powerful, edits to help your subjects look their very best.

Smooth & Silky Skin Remove minor blemishes, smooth out skin tones, and enhance all of the natural details of a subject. Skin can be tricky to retouch, but we show you a tried and true method that will help skin look it’s best with all of the authentic texture and color.

Beauty, Fashion & Editorial From billboards, to magazine covers, to social media advertising, beauty retouching is in high demand. Master a professional approach to retouching and learn the nuances of working with people and portraits in Photoshop.

Professional Beauty Retouching Before 02Professional Beauty Retouching After 2


Professional Workflow The retouching process can be long and complicated. Dodging and burning, coloring, sharpening, and blemish removal are all important parts of the edit. So where do you start? We walk you through a complete beauty portrait retouch while showing you every step, in-depth.

Step-by-step Guide Great editing not only involves knowing what techniques to use, but when and how to apply them. Follow along as we show you a complete portrait retouch, from the planning stage all the way to exporting for the web.

Blemish Removal From stray hairs to small pimples, we show you how to remove minor skin blemishes that we all deal with. Learn to use tools like the Spot Healing Brush, Clone Stamp, and techniques like Frequency Separation to help your subjects shine.

Pro Tools & Techniques

Sharpening Professional sharpening will help the important details stand out while guiding the eyes of the viewer to the areas that matter most. Learn how to apply precision sharpening and how to sharpen different areas of a portrait separately.

Dodge & Burn Add shape and definition to a portrait with dodging and burning in Photoshop! Learn the tools and techniques that will allow you to enhance the highlights and shadows in an image, adding contrast and emphasizing the natural shapes and form of a subject.

Frequency Separation If you want to be a professional retoucher, mastering the art of frequency separation can help you get there. Learn how to separate the colors and tones of an image from the texture and details. Then edit them independently of one another, for perfect skin textures and smooth tones.

Professional Beauty Retouching Before

Photoshop Actions Not only will you learn our professional retouching workflow, but we also include two custom Photoshop Actions that will help you work faster than ever! Try our Frequency Separation Action which allows you to edit skin color and skin texture separately and then use our Sharpening Action to enhance the details in an image before you export!

Included PSD We’ve also included a PSD file that contains every edit Aaron makes throughout the tutorial. See how a pro organizes a project and explore how each layer helps to improve the image.

Non-destructive Editing Editing non-destructively means that you can get back to your original, unedited photo at any time. It also means that you can go back and make small adjustments to the edits you’ve made without having to redo the work from scratch. Save time and frustration with our non-destructive editing workflow!

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