Release date:2019

Duration:01 h 14 m

Author:Paul Gieske

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Welcome to section 1 of my course Essentials of Digital Illustrations with Krita.

Krita is a highly acclaimed digital painting software, and it is completely free and open source. Getting started in digital illustration without splurging on license fees has never been easier.

This section is targeted at the complete beginner, and covers taking the first steps in digital illustration. The course provides a strong introduction both into the Krita software, as well as into digital illustration in general. Take a look at the roadmap of section 1 to get an idea of the contents.

We will learn:

To create basic doodles

Some commonly used brushes

Layers and basic tools

Construction and sketching

Coloring and shading

Lots of tips on drawing with a graphics tablet, increasing productivity, and keeping up the motivation

This is section 1 of the course. The following road map gives an overview of the course as a whole.
Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1:37

2. Quickstart (for Krita 4.0) 5:24

3. Note: Krita Updates to version 4.0 1:57

4. Brushes (for Krita 3.3) 4:28

5. Brushes (for Krita 4.0) 2:15

6. Example: Wood 3:15

7. Customizing the User Interface 2:42

8. Layers 3:13

9. Basic Tools 6:01

10. Example: Face 9:40

11. 4 Tips to Improve Your Workflow 2:32

12. Exercise: Cactus 5:26

13. Example: Cloud 5:30

14. Exercise: Wood 5:28

15. Appendix: 8 tips drawing steady strokes 5:10

16. Appendix: 6 tips to stay motivated 7:09

17. Appendix: How to import the old brushes 1:51

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