Release date:2020

Author:Jonathan Gonzalez

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Let’s Eat More Sheep! Learn how to build a 3D side scrolling platform with 2D mechanics. This course will be split into two main parts, Level Design and Visual Scripting. Within the Level Design chapters you’ll be building out the prefabs used to create a side scroller game. This includes:

Creating platform prefabs with colliders and custom layers

Controlling the player character with rigidbody forces and animations

Creating two different traps that include a shooting trap and a smashing trap

Playing audio FX and music throughout the game and using the audio mixer system to balance out the levels

Adding dynamic UI that displays the hunger meter and sheep count

This requires no knowledge of scripting but instead involves putting together the premade scripts to add functionality to various aspects of the game. You’ll gain the knowledge needed to build a game using the assets provided.

Visual Scripting with Bolt The visual scripting section is optional as it utilizes the Bolt paid asset. Regardless of whether you have this asset or not you’ll better understand the game logic used in game by seeing the visual connections on how everything works.

By the end of this course you’ll understand what it takes to build a 2.5D side scroller game in Unity, so lets get started!

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 World Building Create level prefabs and design your first level

Chapter 2 Character Building Put together the two main characters using animations, colliders and scripts

Chapter 3 UI Design Start putting together a HUD and ending sequence with the UI system

Visual Scripting An optional chapter that covers the game logic in a more easy to understand format through visual scripting using Bolt

Chapter 1 World Building 1. Using Project Files 2. Chapter 1 Overview 3. Environment Level Design 4. Basic Platform Prefabs 5. Creating Platform Combination Prefabs 6. Creating a Shooting Trap 7. Creating a Smashing Trap 8. Designing the Main Level

Chapter 2 Character Building 1. Chapter 2 Overview 2. Basic Player Movement 3. Controlling Player Animations 4. Basic Sheep AI 5. Controlling Sheep Animations 6. Adding a Ghost Prefab 7. Creating a Check Point Prefab 8. Adding a Respawn System

Chapter 3 UI Design 1. Chapter 3 Overview 2. Designing a Basic HUD 3. Adding Animations to UI 4. Ending Sequence UI 5. Mixing Audio Levels

Chapter 4 Visual Scripting 1. Chapter 4 Overview 2. Projectile and Trigger Visual Scripting 3. Shooting Trap Visual Scripting 4. Smashing Trap Visual Scripting 5. Character Movement Visual Scripting 6. Sheep AI Visual Scripting 7. Detecting Player Direction Visual Scripting

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