Release date:2020

Author:Bryan The Girl

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Learn how to create believable and authentic crosshatch drawings.

Crosshatching is much more than just laying down overlapping lines. Professional illustrator, Bryan the Girl, teaches you her approach to crosshatching which is based on historical printmaking techniques. Bryan the Girl teaches how to understand and breakdown what you’re seeing in order to create believable crosshatching.

In this class you will learn:

Bryan’s approach to crosshatching

How to create a tone chart/spectrum and how it applies to crosshatching

How to divide subject matter into different tone maps

What are contour maps and tricks for converting 3D shapes into 2D lines

Using horizontal hatching to convey shadows

When and how to add a layer of vertical hatching

How to know when crosshatching drawing is nearing completion and how to finish it

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