Release date:2021

Author:Tim van Helsdingen

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Welcome to Pyrofluid – Unleash the Elements. In this course we harness the power of Houdini to move data between different solvers to have a pyro explosion morph into a fluid simulation. We’ll start by exploring how to develop an effect like this in a simple scene, then we start building the environment, develop the look of our sim and add all of the additional elements requires before we move over to lighting, shading and compositing it.

001_000 Introduction 001_001 setup 001_002 pyrosim 001_003 extracting attributes 001_004 explaining pointclouds 001_005 building pointclouds 001_006 Explaining quality differences 001_007 detailing differences 001_008 Whats the point of all this- 001_009 extracting velocity 002_001 FLIPPIN FLIPSIM 002_002 rebulding pyro 002_003 rebuilding pyro 002 003_001 Ground mesh 003_002 rocking rocks 003_003 wedging 003_004 scattering rocks 003_005 randomizing rocks 003_006 extra elements 004_001 shattering rock 004_002 Rigid Body Simulation 004_003 Caching to disk 004_004 Retiming 004_005 Extra Collisions 005_001 Pyro base 005_002 Disturbance 005_003 microsolvers 005_004 Pyro Solver Settings 005_005 sourcin our velocity 005_006 tweaking parameters 005_007 Some final touches 006_001 Some final touches 006_002 FLIP 006_003 simulation dependencies 006_004 Some additional tweaks 007_001 Debris 001 007_002 Debris 002 007_003 smoke shockwave 007_004 embers 007_005 steam 008_001 Introduction 008_002 basic light 008_003 ground material 008_004 rocks 008_005 imma firin mah laser 008_006 Pyro 008_007 redshift proxy 008_008 smoke & debris 008_009 embers 008_010 small rocks 008_011 Steam 009_001 Exploring our scene 009_002 Takes explained 009_003 AOVs 009_004 Render settings 009_005 Rendering Pyro 009_006 extra elements 009_007 chaining it up 010_001 configuring Fusion 010_002 base composit 010_003 changing some stuff 010_004 Particles 010_005 additional effects 010_006 Exporting the final Video

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