Release date:2021

Author: Neil Bettison

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Would you like to learn how to model a windmill reminiscent of medieval times and breathe life into that fantasy by importing it into a game engine?

Now, what if I told you I have a course to do just that on Skillshare?

‘Blender to Unreal Engine 5’ will see you creating an intricate medieval asset requiring mechanical knowledge full of life through 3D animation.

This course will give you access to just over 21 hours of 3D art.

Learn how to build an intricate medieval windmill and watermill hybrid in 107 lessons.

This course will see you learn all the techniques pros use and how they use them. Unreal Engine integration will also be a central part of this course’s learning objectives.

Through reading this course description you will find out:

– What you want to learn about 3D modelling;

– What you are going to get through ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 5’, and;

– How the course will take your 3D skills to the next level.


This course will be your complete pathway from concept to game engine in a way that we haven’t done before.

Our 3D modelling focus will be on creating realistic and fully functional subcomponents for our windmill. This will include an intricate set of wooden supports, balconies, stairs, a water wheel, and windmill arms.

We will be using curves to create a special type of wooden support as well as for our medieval windmill door handles. Although looking at curves is not an integral part of this course, it is important for 3D modelling and this will be another feather in your cap of available features within Blender.

Near the end of the course, you will be creating a base for our medieval windmill model to sit on for an ideal portfolio shot.

Texturing and Materials

All in all, ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 5’ will provide you with intensive learning all in one place, giving you access to over 100 2k and 4k texture maps. This course will also teach you the basics of making your own materials using these textures.

Every single texture pack also has its own Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) version, making this a valuable part of the course. One of the biggest ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 5’ course highlights will include importing textures and learning how to fully utilise them within UE5.

‘Blender to Unreal Engine 5’ will teach you all about the gamma, hue, saturation, and some world Blender nodes.


We will be working on making all motion effects hyper-real because animation is integral to this ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 5’ course.

You will learn how to use keyframes to key in different animations to the parts we want to animate. These will include our medieval windmill’s water wheel, windmill arms, and windmill sign.

As part of the rigging process, you will learn how to weigh the different parts of the bones to add realism to your animation.

Finally, using Blender’s in-built dope sheet and animation system, you will be able to export a fully working windmill to any games engine of your choice, including Unity, if you prefer.

Lighting & Rendering

By joining ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 5’, you will also learn how to take control of your scene’s aesthetics through an HDRI system for lighting.

For a full introduction to lighting 3D scenes, we will also cover all in-built Blender lighting functionalities.

We will also be creating a portfolio render for any multimedia site you wish to upload your completed model to. Trust me when I say that this model will not only look professional but will actually pop up amongst thousands of other models.

‘Blender to Unreal Engine 5’ is a complete guide into using Eevee for lighting, rendering, shadows, exposure, and colour management.

Rendering in Blender’s Cycles renderer will be discussed as well. We will also be looking at ambient occlusion and bloom within Eevee and Cycles, allowing you to choose the Blender renderer that is best for you.

If you thought the medieval inn was good, then this medieval windmill will take you to the next level of 3D modeling AAA assets.

Unreal Engine 5: Game Engine Integration

We will be taking a deep dive into Epic’s all-new Unreal Engine 5. Do not worry if you have not managed to download it and are still working with UE4 because everything you will learn in this section can be used in both.

Through ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 5’ you will be learning everything right from importing animations from Blender to having them work correctly in UE5. Through this course, you will learn the basics of bringing your game asset to life, rendered in real-time.

We will look at how to import and use textures created specifically for Unreal Engine and use them to create the materials for our medieval windmill game asset. ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 5’ will also be an introduction to how to set up files to create a clean UI. The skills you learn here are fully transferable to all of your future builds.

Course Resources & Freebies

The ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 5’ course resource pack over 100 2k and 4k texture maps with UE5 versions of each file.

The best course navigation tool for ‘Blender to Unreal Engine 5’ will be included. The course handbook will give the control back to you and you will be able to fully streamline your learning process to your needs and wants seamlessly.

Join this course and come be part of a 3D modeling journey of over 21 hours of learning.

Check out the free introduction and I am sure you won’t be able to put this course down!

Still unsure? Then, let me tell you what’s unique about this course:

3D modeling from a beginner level right up to techniques used by professionals around the world in many top games companies;

animating a structurally accurate medieval water wheel;

animating medieval windmill arms;

creating metal signs for buildings using SVGs;

learning how to use HDRI lighting;

animations & key commands throughout the learning process;

– accessing 3 courses within a course, including full lessons on (a) Blender basics, (b) materials and textures, and (c) seams, sharps, and UVs.

Let’s rebuild our medieval fantasy of a windmill and picture ourselves next to a serene body of water at sunset.

What a perfect virtual escape during these challenging times…

Until next time, happy modelling everyone!


001-introduction___blender_to_unreal_engine_005 002-blender_to_unreal_engine_course_layout 003-getting_the_basics_right 004-working_with_references 005-starting_the_windmill_greybox 006-what_are_seams_and_sharps 007-being_careful_with_extrude 008-dimensions_and_grounding_our_greybox 009-finishing_the_greybox 010-the_importance_of_resetting_transformations 011-working_with_textures_and_nodes 012-creating_our_first_material 013-working_with_booleans 014-solidifying_002d_planes 015-a_creative_way_to_create_wooden_supports 016-working_with_different_transforms 017-creating_realistic_wood_joints 018-creating_unique_uvs_the_easy_way 019-hdri_and_the_eevee_renderer 020-working_with_stone 021-altering_shaders_in_blender 022-creating_windows_and_projecting_uvs 023-lead_and_pane_creation 024-applying_glass_to_our_windows 025-planning_out_the_windmill_arms 026-laying_out_the_arm_struts 027-windmill_arms_prep_for_materials 028-working_with_cloth_and_proportional_editing 029-the_amazing_torus 030-creating_realist_cloth_sail_mesh 031-creating_holes_and_links 032-working_with_mirrors 033-engineering_the_turning_mechanism 034-what_is_structurally_sound 035-testing_complex_seams 036-finishing_the_windmill_arms 037-starting_the_main_roof 038-creating_the_wooden_sloping_supports 039-adding_materials_to_the_main_roof 040-realism_with_roof_tiles 041-lots_of_supports_needed 042-fixing_mesh_issues_along_the_way 043-finishing_the_main_small_support_mesh 044-finishing_the_main_roof 045-taking_stock_of_how_to_create_something 046-working_on_our_smaller_roof 047-finishing_our_small_roof 048-refining_the_greybox 049-working_with_svgs 050-converting_curves_to_mesh 051-finishing_the_sign 052-creating_the_sign_links 053-medieval_atmosphere_with_wood 054-creating_the_main_door_place_holder 055-creating_a_door_alcove 056-speeding_up_our_workflow 057-creating_the_small_window_extension 058-working_out_our_walkway_placement 059-finishing_the_window__extension 060-working_with_complex_meshes 061-realistic_support_for_our_extension 062-increasing_efficiency_in_modelling 063-how_to_use_edge_length 064-increasing_the_complexity 065-using_average_island_scale 066-creating_the_balcony 067-creating_the_balcony_supports 068-easy_ways_to_fix_mesh_problems 069-starting_our_water_wheel_build 070-forward_thinking_with_seams 071-creating_simple_bolts 072-finishing_the_outside_wheel 073-creating_the_centre_pillar 074-creating_the_stone_opening 075-how_to_create_arched_supports 076-finishing_the_balcony_supports 077-creating_doors_the_easy_way 078-creating_the_stone_arched_door 079-handles_from_curves 080-finishing_the_door_handles 081-starting_the_main_ramp 082-creating_the_base 083-working_with_arrays 084-building_a_complex_support_system 085-creating_the_supporting_posts 086-bringing_it_all_together 087-fine_tuning_the_uv_maps 088-finishing_the_main_ramp_seams 089-finishing_the_side_of_the_windmill 090-laying_out_the_bay_window_greybox 091-applying_the_stone_wall_bottom 092-critically_analysing_our_build 093-starting_the_bay_window_build 094-lots_of_glass_issues 095-working_on_the_bay_window_frame 096-top_and_bottom_of_our_bay_window 097-completing_the_windmill_build 098-creating_a_base_for_our_windmill 099-setting_up_our_portfolio_render 100-eevee_and_cycles_rendering 101-welcome_to_animation 102-the_animation_workflow 103-weighting_bones_and_keyframes 104-setting_up_our_animations 105-welcome_to_unreal_engine_005 106-creating_materials_in_unreal_engine_005 107-applying_materials_and_testing 108-final_lesson_a_realistic_game_asset

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