Release date:2021, July 28 Team, Stephen Ulibarri
Skill level:Beginner
Learning to program can be dull, and learning C++ is hard enough without having to learn a game engine as well.
In this course we teach you coding the fun way, by making games! And we’ll be using a library so you can focus on learning pure C++ and good programming practice.
You’ll start by compiling your first program in C++, using Visual Studio Code as your text editor.
Then create your first axe dodging game using the Raylib library. This project introduces the basic concepts of programming: variables, loops and if-statements.
You expand on this in Dapper Dasher, by building a side-scrolling running game. In addition to covering essential programming concepts such as structs and functions, you’ll learn to animate 2D characters and make your game pretty.
In Classy Clash we introduce Object Oriented Programming. You’ll learn how this simplifies programming for games and how inheritance can avoid code duplication.
Whether you’re a total beginner to programming and want to learn pure C++, or an intermediate Unreal student who wants to explore making games in pure C++, this is the course for you!
There are no course prerequisites, though it’ll help if you’re comfortable installing new software and excited to learn programming!
All students have access to the Q&A forums where our Instructors, Teaching Assistants and Community are ready to help answer your questions and cheer on your success.
01 First Concepts 001 Section Intro – First Concepts 002 Installation and Set up 003 The Main Function 004 Your First Program 005 Compiler 006 Community & Support 008 Accessing Our Projects
02 Axe Game 001 Creating A Popup Window 002 Data Types and Variables 003 Data Types and Variables 2 004 Debugging 005 Comparison Operators 006 Loops 007 Clear Background 008 Closing the Window 009 Moving a Circle 010 Moving The Circle 011 Logical AND 012 Drawing The Axe 013 Logical OR 014 Collision Detection 015 The else Statement 016 Finishing The Game
03 Dapper Dasher 001 Section Intro – Dapper Dasher 002 Setting Up dasher.cpp 003 Velocity and Jumping 004 Acceleration and Gravity 005 Preventing Air Jumping 006 Sprite Sheets And Animation 007 Drawing From Sprite Sheets 008 Delta Time 009 Animating Scarfy 010 Hazards 011 Moving The Hazard 012 Animating The Hazard 013 Multiple Nebula Hazards 014 Custom Data Types 015 More On Custom Data Types 016 Using AnimData 017 Arrays 018 Array Of Nebula Hazards 019 For Loops 020 Looping Through The Hazards 021 Lots Of Nebulae 022 Functions 023 Refactoring 024 Update Animation Data 025 Scrolling Background 026 Duplicating The Background 027 Drawing Midground And Foreground 028 Finish Line 029 Collision Detection 030 Winning And Losing
04 Classy Clash 001 Section Intro And Map Creation 002 Top Down Game Setup 003 Vectors 004 Movement 005 Drawing The Character 006 Animating The Character 007 Classes 008 Getters And Setters 009 Scope 010 The Tick Function 011 Character Instance 012 Header Files And Constructors 013 Checking The Map Bounds 014 Constructor Arguments 015 The Prop Class 016 Rendering Props 017 Prop Collision 018 Enemy Class 019 Class Inheritance 020 Inheriting From BaseCharacter 021 Overriding Functions 022 Variable Addresses 023 Enemy Screen Position 024 Enemy AI 025 Enemy Run Animation 026 Drawing The Sword 027 Attack! 028 Health And Damage 029 Strings And Displaying Health 030 Multiple Enemies And Course Wrap-Up
[Udemy] C++ Fundamentals Game Programming For Beginners.7z [Udemy] C++ Fundamentals Game Programming For Beginners_Subtitles.7z