Release date:2021, December

Author:Maarten Verhoeven

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Discover how to efficiently translate your CG models into physical objects with this detailed ZBrush workshop by Maarten Verhoeven. Taking you through the entire workflow, from digital sculpture to 3D print, Maarten walks through how to break down a ZBrush model to prepare it for your 3D printer and discusses all the important steps to help you successfully prepare your models for printing. The workshop covers the technical processes involved in keying, scaling, and hollowing, as well as setting up drain holes and how to set everything up on a print bed.

By completing this workshop, you will develop a firm grasp of what is needed to take a ZBrush model into the physical realm. You’ll learn how to create hollowed-out, keyed, and watertight meshes, and understand how to take advantage of tools like Meshmixer and PreForm to successfully engineer models for 3D printing — in particular for resin printers.

Due to the technical nature of this workshop and the processes covered, this tutorial is recommended for intermediate and advanced digital artists with previous experience using ZBrush.

Maarten’s Key brushes are included as a downloadable resource with this workshop.

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