Release date:2022

Author: Yimbo Escárrega

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Learn to create animations in a quick and easy way Yimbo, graphic designer and motiongrapher with a decade of experience behind him (highlights his experience as an animator in Pictoline – an information platform that turns news into entertaining illustrations, infrografías and animated gifs-), will give you tips to be faster and more efficient when creating animations.

In this course you will learn how to make motion graphics projects in record time. The type of content that you can then use in social networks or other digital platforms in which the consumption of information is frantic and immediate.

In the hand of Yimbo, you will discover a workflow that will allow you to create animations easily and quickly with both video and 2D graphics.

What will you learn in this online course? In this course you will learn the methodology to work efficiently with both video and 2D animation. You can also work on two projects.

You will start working with motion graphics focused on video. You will learn to create a template that will help you to give uniformity to your projects and reuse it easily. Yimbo will teach you how to create an introduction, to include transitions for each of the scenes and to add a small fly with your logo.

The second project is based on 2D animation. You will start by embodying the idea in a storyboard and creating the characters that will star in your animation. You will learn how to illustrate for animation and you will discover how to animate the facial expressions of your characters.

Yimbo will also teach you how to animate an interface, simulating some typical actions of social networks like a ‘like’ or the scroll effect. You will discover the most efficient way to animate a more complex character, creating a rig with its extremities in different positions.

Finally, you will learn to animate the last details with Photoshop, to create a loop in After Effects and to optimize the render to share it in social networks without problems of weight and quality.

What is this course’s project? Taking as a starting point the two techniques you will learn during the course (motion graphics and 2D animation), you should be able to carry out two different projects in which you will present current information in a reduced time.

On the one hand, you will create a template for a video project and on the other, you will give shape and movement to an animated infographic.

Who is this online course for? This course is aimed at designers, illustrators and animators looking for the most efficient and fastest way to create animations.

Requirements and materials To fully enjoy this course, it is necessary to have basic knowledge of Illustrator, Photoshop and previous domain of the After Effects tools. In addition, you will need a computer with this software installed in its version CC 2015 or higher.

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