Release date:2022

Author: Pepe Gimeno

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

Learn to compose, balance, and create motion in a piece to achieve full expressivity Pepe Gimeno–designer, typographer, illustrator, photographer, and visual artist–teaches you about the laws of visual perception and how to correctly apply them to achieve full expressivity in all your projects.

He illustrates each law by showing you a series of pieces that he has made from scrap materials. Discover a fascinating approach that, conceptually and formally, lies somewhere between experimental graphics and artwork.

In this course, learn how to overcome project constraints and transform obstacles into the creative engine and driving force behind your graphic proposals and solutions.

By the end of this course, you’ll know how to use the laws of perception in a wide variety of creative applications including compositions for posters or illustrations, creating page layouts for a book, arranging different elements on the facade of a building, creating typographic characters, and designing virtually any object.

What will you learn in this online course? Begin by getting to know Pepe Gimeno and his work. Find out how he became interested in scrap materials and see some of his most distinguished projects.

Discover the immense potential of these objects as artistic material and understand their tremendous poetic value and ability to convey emotions.

Next, get an inside look at Pepe Gimeno’s creative approach. Learn how to view objects from a different perspective and make the most out of the constraints imposed by the immutable nature of their size, shape, and color.

Pepe then walks you through a series of exercises to illustrate the four basic laws of visual perception: create a composition with unity between the different elements, categorize the weight of each one, visually represent rest or internal energy in your piece, and finally, take advantage of the energy deriving from imbalance to create motion.

Now you know how to apply these laws to different disciplines and contexts.

What is this course’s project? Complete the four basic exercises proposed in the course applying everything you’ve learned. You are free to choose the medium you wish to work with (poster, illustration, editorial design, sculpture, typography, etc.).

Who is this online course for? Designers, architects, illustrators, photographers, artists, and anyone interested in Pepe Gimeno’s creative process.

Requirements and materials No specific knowledge is needed, but artistic sensitivity, analytical skills, and a desire to understand visual processes will help you follow the course.

As for materials, you need a variety of evocative scrap materials, a hard cardboard surface, canvas on a frame or wooden board to arrange your pieces, and white glue to hold them in place.

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3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!