Release date:2022

Author: Jean Fraisse

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Not Provided

Learn a simple approach to drawing memorable characters In the world of animation and video games anything is possible, and illustrator, graphic designer, and concept artist Jean Fraisse has demonstrated that by creating breathtaking worlds in his course Concept Art: Introduction to Set Design. This time around, he takes things one step further and shows you how to populate those worlds with likeable characters.

In this course, learn how to design original characters for animation and video games using a simple technique centered around basic geometric shapes.

What will you learn in this online course? Start the course by getting to know Jean Fraisse, who tells you about how he taught himself to design characters and create stunning concept art. He also gives you some background information about his professional career and biggest influences.

Begin with the basics of human anatomy and learn how to draw different body parts (head, torso, arms, hands, hips, legs, and feet) in a simplified way by studying proportions and shapes as well as bones and muscle groups.

Analyze different characters from well-known animations to understand why they work and keep these features in mind for your final project.

Discover how to build engaging characters who convey a range of emotions to your audience and see how to position them in different poses while adhering to the principles of weight, movement, and body dynamics. Then, find out how to create striking facial expressions and apply everything you’ve learned to design your first character.

Once you’re done, Jean explains the main differences between animation and video game characters so you know what to focus on, and what to avoid, when creating each kind.

Finally, choose your favorite characters and put them together in a lineup for your final project. Now you know how to design characters using Jean’s step-by-step approach.

What is this course’s project? Create a lineup of likeable characters with lots of personality and a coherent design.

Who is this online course for? Anyone interested in creating memorable characters as well as illustrators who want to improve their drawing technique, regardless of their skill level.

Requirements and materials Basic drawing skills are needed for this course.

As for materials, all you need is a computer with Photoshop and a graphics tablet or mouse.

01 – Presentation 02 – Influences 03 – Create characters without knowing how to draw 04 – Proportions and basic forms 05 – The muscle and bone groups The head 06 – The muscle and bone groups The torso (Part I) 07 – The muscle and bone groups The torso (Part II) 08 – The muscle and bone groups The hip and legs 09 – The muscle and bone groups The arms 10 – The muscle and bone groups Feet and hands (Part I) 11 – The muscle and bone groups Feet and hands (Part II) 12 – Designing character shapes 13 – The language of forms 14 – Action, lines and angles 15 – Facial expressions 16 – Designing the character 17 – Design for animation 18 – Design for videogames 19 – The line up or how to maintain a style 20 – Introduction to character design for animation and videogames Introduction to Design of Characters for Animation and Video Games_Subtitles.7z

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