Advanced Locomotion System V4 + Character Interaction Merge v3 (0.4 (4.2x, 5.0)
一个先进的两足动物移动和分层系统,专注于高质量的角色动画和响应运动。构建灵活、可扩展,并为新项目提供坚实的起点。目前仅限单人游戏。(100% BP)

Main Features

Simple yet flexible Base_Character BP with a curve driven approach to movement and rotation (No root motion, all movement except rolling is code driven).
Powerful Data Driven AnimBP with a smart approach to locomotion blending, and a robust layering system for the easy addition of game-play states and variation, without tons of extra animations. Other features include sprint impulse, additive leaning, land prediction, turn/rotate in place, Foot IK and more.
Fully dynamic Mantling System that uses simple traces to check for climbable geometry. Curve assets are used for smooth location/rotation alignment and movement.

Secondary Features

Experimental Data Driven Camera system using an anim instance to piggy-back off of the state machine functionality, for easy and detailed camera behavior control with states, blends, and anim curves.
Basic but functional Ragdoll Blending system to blend seamlessly to and from a ragdoll state. Mostly just for fun ;)

Main Stuff

1 Base_Character BP with 1 child.
1 AnimBP for all animation.
1 Player Controller and 3 Widgets for easy debugging functionality.
1 Player Camera Manager with an additional AnimBP for the camera system
4 Interfaces for easy communication between all the main systems.
1 Data Table and multiple curves, structs, and enums used throughout the systems.
1 new AnimMan character mesh with accompanying physics asset, great for prototyping, with easy coloring functionality (within child bp).
Over 100 key-framed Animation Examples with cycles, poses transitions, and more.

Secondary Stuff

Many smaller and non essential things like AnimModifiers, AI Examples, Materials Props, and some simple BPs for creating happy looking test levels :)

V1 – 4.14

V2 – 4.15 > 4.17

V3 – 4.18 > 4.19

V3.1 – 4.20 > 4.23

V4 – 4.24.1 (Please make sure you have the 24.1 hotfix installed to prevent a crash)

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3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!