这堂课就从这里开始了。作为一名作家,我通过 YouTube 或 SNS 收到很多问题。其中,确实有令人绝望和悲伤的故事,也有很多人因照片不顺而痛苦。





How a Beginner Painter Becomes a Popular Artist, Cox’s Secret Book of Self-Education ( 초보 그림러가 인기 작가가 되는 법, 콕스의 독학비법서 Korean, Eng autosub)

课程时长:18.5小时 1920X1080 mp4 语言:韩语+中英文字幕+韩语字幕 作者:콕스의 독학비법서 – Coax 含课程文件

它可以在 Photoshop 或 Clip Studio 中完成。
大家都说上光上光,所以我就在网上找到了,自己尝试了一下,但是颜色变暗了,我不喜欢,是吗?我也是。所以,经过一番研究和摸索,我制作了一种任何人都可以轻松完成的上釉着色方法,无需任何特殊技能或天赋!我们还将介绍 Clip Studio 中的功能,以便即使使用 Clip Studio 的人也能做到。


很多人通过 YouTube 视频发布脸部速写练习,但我看到很多人的做法都是错误的。在棉质速写中,过程比结果更重要。我会详细告诉你这个过程是如何完成的,从基础到完成。当你正确学习了脸部速写后,你就可以在画布上自由地表达你的想象力了。











├── 01 如何从一个初学画家变成一个受欢迎的作家,考克斯的自学秘诀
│ ├── 01 大家好,我是插画师考克斯
│ ├── 02 听各章总结的理由!
│ ├── 03 今后使用的图片术语
│ └── 04 ☆ 如何成为班级前10名_
├── 02 第1章 Photoshop彻底征服
│ ├── 01 Photoshop功能绘图测试!第1部分
│ ├── 02 Photoshop 绘制插画的功能!第2部分
│ ├── 03 强化绘制Ilst Test(快捷方式)时最常用的核心功能
│ ├── 04 ☆ 如何用脑100_
│ └── 05 BONUS Clip Studio,专有用户说明
├── 03 第二章放牧着色
│ ├── 01 为什么专家使用的玻璃着色最适合初学者!
│ ├── 02 上光所需的Photoshop功能及应用
│ ├── 03 【初级】用釉色完成独特角色的附件!
│ ├── 04 【中级】如何将图片的完整性提高两倍以上
│ ├── 05 人们在玻璃上常犯的错误的教程部分
│ ├── 06 ☆ 绘画技巧可以在最短的时间内成长。
│ └── Clip Studio,专有功能和奖励玻璃的应用
├── 04 第3章 秘籍面条Chroki!
│ ├── 01 从基础到深化如何使用画笔!
│ ├── 02 如何制作三维平面、基本明暗
│ ├── 03 骗关键面技能提升!如何正确练习
│ ├── 04 如何制作三维平面,与中间亮度相比
│ ├── 05 ☆ 顶级的秘密0.1_。元认知研究方法
│ └── 06 奖金棉 Chroki 回馈讲座
├── 05 第四章 轻松有趣的人体画
│ ├── 01 初学者学习人体的顺序
│ ├── 02 各种Sun Croki练习,填补从初级到中级缺乏的基本技能
│ ├── 03 钩编时你需要了解的人体基本结构
│ ├─ 2 04 在画人体时,人们会犯错误。
│ └── 05 ☆ 为什么会暴跌?
├── 06第五章图画技巧200_找到合适的可以拉起来的素材
│ ├── 01 绘画技巧200_
│ ├── 02 原创想法和奇特想法的准备
│ ├── 03 如何准确找到我需要的数据
│ ├── 04 各种纹理表达方法第1部分
│ └── 使用准备工作的各种纹理表现第2部分
├── 07 第6章 魅力脸画【初级~中级】
│ ├── 01 面部结构
│ ├── 02 李木九的结构基础
│ ├── 03 如何轻松画头发【初级~中级】
│ ├── 04 美丽帅气的绝活释放
│ └── 05 ☆ 如何创作属于自己的迷人图片
├── 08第七章设计特色人物设计
│ ├── 01 利用思维导图设计充满活力和魅力的角色设计方法
│ ├── 02 设计与廓形的核心概念
│ ├── 03 融合潮流,打造魅力设计!培养时尚感
│ └── 04 物体拟人化,培育设计大脑
├── 09 第8章 这是你必须知道的基础理论!
│ ├── 01 【基础】如何运用到复杂难懂的透视图上!
│ ├── 02 设计角色时一切都经过计算
│ ├── 03 改善肤色最有效的做法!
│ └── 04 表达色彩和立体时一切都经过计算
├── 10 CHAPTER 9 【深入】考克斯的工作流程
│ ├── 01 设计人物。确定的构图和草图
│ ├── 02 完全单调
│ ├── 03 玻璃着色
│ ├── 04 通过提高质量来完成图片时所计算的一切
│ └── 05 ☆ 如何提高我的图片的完整性!
├── 11 CHAPTER 10 人气作家如何月入1000万韩元
│ ├── 01 没人对我的画感兴趣。
│ ├── 02 如何增加艺人领域各SNS的关注数和关注数
│ ├─ 2 03 创收根源,如何靠画赚钱,增加外包成本
│ └── 04 ☆ 考克斯确实可以画出自己想要的画而不用担心钱
├── 12 尾声 谢谢
│ └── 01 衷心支持同学们踏上征程。

├── 01 How to be a beginner painter becomes a popular writer, Cox’s self -study secret
│ ├── 01 Hello, I am illustrator Cox
│ ├── 02 Reasons to listen to each chapter summary!
│ ├── 03 Picture Terms to be used in the future
│ └── 04 ☆ How to become the top 10_ of class students
├── 02 Chapter 1 Photoshop complete conquest
│ ├── 01 Photoshop functions to draw the test! Part 1
│ ├── 02 Photoshop functions to draw illustrations! Part 2
│ ├── 03 Intensifying the core functions that are most commonly used when drawing Ilst Test (shortcut)
│ ├── 04 ☆ How to use the brain 100_
│ └── 05 BONUS Clip Studio, Description for Proprietary Users
├── 03 CHAPTER 2 Grazing Coloring
│ ├── 01 The reason why the glazing coloring used by experts is perfect for beginners!
│ ├── 02 Photoshop function and application required for glazing
│ ├── 03 [Beginner] Attachment to complete a unique character with a glazing coloring!
│ ├── 04 [Intermediate] How to increase the completeness of the picture more than twice
│ ├── 05 Portion tutorial that people make a lot of mistakes in glazing
│ ├── 06 ☆ Painting skills can grow in the shortest period of time.
│ └── Clip Studio, Proprie Functions and Application for Bonus Glazing
├── 04 CHAPTER 3 Cheat Key Noodles Chroki!
│ ├── 01 From the basics to deepening how to use the brush!
│ ├── 02 How to make a flat surface in three dimensions, basic light and darkness
│ ├── 03 Cheat key noodles with improved skills! How to practice properly
│ ├── 04 How to make a flat surface in three dimensions, compared to intermediate brightness
│ ├── 05 ☆ Secret of the top 0.1_. Meta -cognitive study method
│ └── 06 bonus cotton Chroki feedback lecture
├── 05 Chapter 4 Easy and fun human drawing
│ ├── 01 The order in which a beginner studies the human body
│ ├── 02 Various Sun Croki Practice to fill the basic skills that are lacking from beginners to intermediate people
│ ├── 03 Basic human structure that you need to know when croching
│ ├─ 2 04 When drawing the human body, people’s mistakes.
│ └── 05 ☆ Why is a slump?
├── 06 Chapter 5 Picture skills 200_ Find the right materials that can be pulled up
│ ├── 01 Painting skills 200_
│ ├── 02 Preparation for original ideas and quirky ideas
│ ├── 03 How to accurately find the data I need
│ ├── 04 Various texture expression method Part 1
│ └── Various texture expression using preparation for preparation Part 2
├── 07 Chapter 6 Attractive face drawing [beginner ~ intermediate]
│ ├── 01 Structure of the face
│ ├── 02 Structural basics of Lee Mok -gu
│ ├── 03 How to draw hair easily [beginner ~ intermediate]
│ ├── 04 Beautiful and handsome know -how to release
│ └── 05 ☆ How to create your own attractive picture
├── 08 Chapter 7 Design characteristic character design
│ ├── 01 Vital and attractive character design method using the mind map
│ ├── 02 The core concept of design and silhouette
│ ├── 03 Mix the trend and make an attractive design! Training fashion sense
│ └── 04 Anthropomorphization of objects that grow the brain of design
├── 09 Chapter 8 This is the basic theory that you must know!
│ ├── 01 [Basic] How to apply to a picture in a complex and difficult perspective!
│ ├── 02 Everything calculated when designing a character
│ ├── 03 The most efficient practice to improve color!
│ └── 04 Everything calculated when expressing coloring and three -dimensional
├── 10 CHAPTER 9 [Deep] Cox’s work process
│ ├── 01 Design character. Determined composition and rough sketch
│ ├── 02 Complete with monotone
│ ├── 03 Coloring with glazing
│ ├── 04 Everything that calculates when completing the picture by increasing the quality
│ └── 05 ☆ How to improve the completeness of my picture!
├── 11 CHAPTER 10 How to earn 10 million won a month as a popular writer
│ ├── 01 No one is interested in my painting.
│ ├── 02 How to increase the number of features and followers of each SNS in the artist field
│ ├─ 2 03 Root of revenue generation, how to earn money with my paintings and increase outsourcing costs
│ └── 04 ☆ Cox does to draw a picture you want without worrying about money
├── 12 OUTRO Thank you
│ └── 01 I sincerely support the start of the journey of students.

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