时长5h 14m 1920X1080 MP4 标题:Gnomon Workshop带胡迪尼和克拉丽斯信息的3D景观:在本教程中,通才詹姆斯·米勒从头到尾深入研究了景观环境的设计、照明和合成。从胡迪尼的地形工具开始,他建立了景观,以适应从照片参考中获得的理想的自然形态。接下来,他将该资产导入到Clarisse,并查看项目建设、材料构建和资产导入。一旦这一切都准备好了,他继续布局和照明镜头,创建和动画摄像机,并探索我们可以在包中查看我们的镜头的不同方式。对于云卷,詹姆斯回到胡迪尼,覆盖VOPS卷,以帮助建立气氛,然后返回克拉丽斯,为渲染布局这些新的资产。渲染然后被带到Nuke,在那里他探索了使用AOV重新照明,创建小发明,建造天空穹顶,以及安装和使用p_world工具进行遮罩工作。本教程的目标是带您了解构建大型山地景观环境所涉及的所有步骤,以及它们是如何联系在一起的,这样您就可以从头到尾进行实验、玩耍和享受构建自己的镜头。

Duration 5h 14m MP4

Title: The Gnomon Workshop – 3D Landscapes with Houdini and Clarisse
In this tutorial, Generalist James Miller takes an in-depth look at designing, lighting and compositing a landscape environment from beginning to end. Starting with Houdini’s terrain tools, he builds up the landscape to fit the desired natural formations taken from photo reference. Following this, he imports this asset into Clarisse and takes a look into project construction, material building, and asset importing. Once this is all set up, he continues by laying out and lighting the shot, creating and animating a camera, and exploring the different ways we can view our shot in the package. For the cloud volumes, James goes back into Houdini and covers Volume VOPS to helps build the atmosphere, before returning to Clarisse to lay out these new assets for the render. The render is then taken into Nuke, where he explores relighting using AOVs, creating gizmos, building a skydome, and installing & using the p_world tools for matte work.

The goal of this tutorial is to take you through all the steps involved in a large environment build of a mountain landscape, and how they all link together, so you can experiment, play, and enjoy building up your own shots from beginning to end.

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