释放ChatGPT4、MidJourney、Prompt Engineering、插件、代码解释器、OpenAI和Python集成的力量。让我们不要成为人工智能革命的旁观者,而是成为其中的一部分,加入人类的新时代。欢迎来到ChatGPT和MidJourney的入门指南,在这里,我们将为您提供利用尖端人工智能技术塑造当今世界的技能和知识。在本课程中,您将了解有关ChatGPT4提示、ChatGPT插件、ChatGPT代码解释器、使用Python的OpenAI API集成、AGI助手、中途提示、中途参数和高级提示的详细信息。这是你可以从这个实践性的沉浸式课程中期待的:ChatGPT-4提示:探索OpenAI语言模型的力量,它正在改变自然语言的理解和生成。了解如何利用其功能完成内容生成、个人助理等任务。中途:释放这一创新的人工智能驱动的项目管理工具的潜力,旨在优化您的工作流程,改善协作,并增强决策。代码解释器:发现代码解释器分析数据、生成Python代码、分析代码库、代码优化等的强大功能。插件:探索各种ChatGPT插件,以自动化工作流程并提高您的工作效率。Python集成:了解如何利用Python和OpenAI APIs的力量。创建您自己的文本/语音助手。注意:本课程的设计和起草方式将使您在更短的时间内获得最大的收益。我确信你从这门课中学到的东西将会使你领先于数百万其他即将开始人工智能革命之旅的人。AI Revolution Starter Guide : ChatGPT4 & MidJourney

由Sandip Ganguli创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)|课程时长:2小时56分钟|大小:1.8 GB

Python与OpenAI API的集成


Unleash The Power of ChatGPT4, MidJourney, Prompt Engineering, Plugins, Code Interpreter, OpenAI & Python Integration.

What you’ll learn
ChatGPT4 and Prompt Engineering
ChatGPT Plugins and Code Interpreter
Python Integration with OpenAI API

No prior knowledge required to take this course, this course for everyone

Let’s not be a spectator of AI revolution, but rather be part of it and join the new era of the human race. Welcome to the Starter guide of ChatGPT and MidJourney, where we equip you with the skills and knowledge to harness the cutting-edge AI technologies shaping the world today. In this course, you will learn details about ChatGPT4 prompting, ChatGPT plugins, ChatGPT Code interpreter, OpenAI API integration using Python, AGI Assistant, MidJourney prompting, MidJourney parameters, and advanced prompting. Here’s what you can expect from this hands-on, immersive course:ChatGPT-4 Prompting: Explore the power of the OpenAI language model that’s transforming natural language understanding and generation. Learn how to utilize its capabilities for tasks like content generation, personal assistant, and more.Midjourney: Unlock the potential of this innovative AI-driven project management tool, designed to optimize your workflows, improve collaboration, and enhance decision-making.Code Interpreter: Discover the power of code interpreter to analyze data, generate Python code, analyze code base, code optimization, and more.Plugins: Explore a variety of ChatGPT plugins to automate workflows and improve your productivity.Python Integration: Understand how to leverage the power of Python with OpenAI APIs. Create your own Text/Voice assistant.NOTE: This course is designed and drafted in such a way that you will get the most out of it in less time. I am sure what you will take away from this course will definitely place ahead you ahead of millions of others who are about to start their journey in AI revolution.

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