Release date:2020

Author: Patrick Foley

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

In this class, you’ll be able to better understand the concept of adding massive structures to minimalist landscapes in 3d. This class is also a perfect introduction to the meshing of 2d and 3d using an alpha (png) and combining real photos with synthetic 3d elements.

This is also the first time I will have gone over adding a human to the composition in post!

Lastly, we’ll cover how to manipulate both 3d/2d elements in structure, lighting, and coloring to better match eachother to stitch them together.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Explanation

3. Composition / Object Placement

4. Ground / Sculpting

5. Lighting

6. Texturing

7. Camera / Render Settings

8. Photoshop / Working with Alpha

9. Outro

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