Release date:2018

Duration:01 h 19 m

Author:Andrew Silke

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Objects And Components are foundational for all disciplines within Maya. In this class, you’ll see how to interact with objects and learn Maya’s primary terminology.

The page covers navigation, creating objects, deleting and duplicate, how to move/rotate/scale and instancing.

You’ll see how objects relate to each other, the major elements such as pivots, world and object modes, and hierarchies.

Discover why `freeze transforms` is important and how it can affect scale and rotation.

Finally, we’ll look at components in detail. These are the vertices, edges, and faces. You’ll see how to enter and exit component modes, different selection methods, snapping, groups, soft-select, and the grab brush. All the must-know basics of Maya start here.

Table of Contents


1. Create, Place, View and Copy Primitive Objects (34 mins)

2. Pivots, Hierarchies, World/Local Space, Freeze Transforms (23 mins)

3. Verts, Edges, Faces: Object Mode vs Component Modes (20 mins)

Objects And Components – Maya Character Generalist objects-components-1.1-navigating-maya objects-components-1.2-viewport-window-layouts objects-components-1.3-creating-primitive-objects objects-components-1.4-viewport-display-modes objects-components-1.5-clipping-plane-issues objects-components-1.6-moving-rotating-scaling objects-components-1.7-duplicating-objects objects-components-1.8-instancing-objects objects-components-2.1-changing-pivots objects-components-2.2-hierachies objects-components-2.3-freeze-transforms objects-components-2.4-local-and-world-space objects-components-2.5-rotating-pivots-advanced objects-components-3.1-component-modes objects-components-3.2-selection-methods objects-components-3.3-selecting-areas objects-components-3.4-selection-bug-workaround objects-components-3.5-snapping objects-components-3.6-snapping-groups-retain-spacing objects-components-3.7-soft-select objects-components-3.8-grab-brush


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