Release date:2022

Author:Maria Avramova

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this course, you will learn the main principles of storyboarding for Film and Animation. Filmmaking is an art form in itself and the best filmmaking is when you are able to convey your idea without disturbing the viewer with strange camera angles, directions of cuts.

That´s why it is important to know how to pre-plan your film. Storyboarding is just that – the blueprint of your film, or any film.

It is a cheaper way to understand whether your story is working or not before even starting the production.

Here I´m going to teach you how to use camera angles, framing, and pacing to deliver strong story beats.

You will get a quick course on perspective and why is that important when you storyboard.

Also, you will learn how to draw fast. Because when you are in production working for a big company, you will need to produce a lot of panels per day. And for that, speed is even more important than clean drawing.

I will guide you step by step through this course using simple examples so you can dive into the Art of storyboarding and start applying it to your own projects or create a portfolio to apply to movie companies.

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