Release date:2021

Author:Vlad Gheneli

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

his figure drawing bundle includes over 2 hours of content, heavily focused on form/structure.

You get:

2x 30 min commented demos 2x 5min poses demo 10min pose demo assignment 1h assignment demo + commentary

Updated brushpack 2017 included.


This video will cover GESTURES, which is the first of the three fundamental things when talking about FIGURE DRAWING.

I’ll talk you through my process, show you how I make decisions, how I stay away from copying the reference. Then I’ll talk about how we find gesture in nature and about the gesture and flow in two of Frank Frazetta’s works, one of my top artists.

At the end you’ll see a 10 min demo of how I approach a figure and how I integrate the gesture and work on keeping the flow even when adding values. Always think about gesture!

You get: 114 minutes 1080p video with audio commentary

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