Release date:2021


Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

This is an advanced tutorial teaching users how to employ advanced surface modeling to create an Audi R8 using Solidworks.

What you will learn

Surface extrudes-Simply create complex surfaces with an open 2d sketch Surface trims-Allows the user to remove geometry with intersecting surfaces Surface sweeps – Create surfaces defined by an open 2d sketch and guide curve Boundary surfaces-Generates an intelligent surface to connect 2 independent surfaces Surface offsets – Allows user to repopulate a new surface at a predetermined distance from an existing surface Split lines-Create multiple faces from a single geometry or face Ruled surfaces-Essentially creates a flange from the edge of a surface Surface knits-Combine surfaces to form a single surface Surface cuts-Cut an object using an existing surface Surface fills-Close an open surface Surface lofts-Create complex shapes from multiple 2d sketches or curves Variable fillets-Create fillets that go from predetermined radius to a single point Body move copy-Move features within an existing part file

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