Release date:2022

Author: Everything .Is

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Create a CD cover by photographing day-to-day objects

Become a charmer of objects, create a cover for a song by building a still life with everyday materials. In this Everything Studio course you will learn how to make a still life in 3D with elements of your environment, to then photograph it and apply a few simple touches to the computer. You will learn to see the world with different eyes and to take full advantage of inanimate objects.

About this course We will begin with the conceptualization of the idea, we will learn to transform a song into images by making several sketches.

Next, we will go to collect objects and materials, apparently anodyne, that can give life to our still life. We will learn to assemble our composition and some tricks that help us improve and perfect our image.

To finish, we will go to the computer where we will make some adjustments, we will play with some effects and we will add the typography that best fits in our composition.

Who is it for? This course is aimed at design lovers with a photographic approach (without going into details of photography) as a resource for composition and art direction. Also to all creative eyes with concern to give life to everyday objects and learn to make original still lifes with daring compositions.

What you need Basic knowledge of photography, Illustrator, Photoshop. You want to go out looking for all kinds of objects and, if necessary, dirty your hands a little.

Materials you need: A camera, a tripod, paper and pencil and, if you want, a computer to touch up the imperfections of the final image. The selected objects are in charge of your imagination.

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3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!