Release date:2022

Author:Henning Sanden

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Introduction to Sculpting in Blender Learn how to sculpt in Blender with our easy-to-follow course, taking you through everything you need to know! You’ll learn how to use the different sculpting tools in Blender, such as dyntopo and remeshing – as well as sculpting techniques like understanding how to create appealing shapes and characters.

LEARN THE SCULPTING TOOLS You’ll be sure to learn all the sculpting tools you need to sculpt in Blender. We cover what brushes to use, how to work with dyntopo, the multires modifier, remeshing, matcaps, masking, face sets and much more! We believe in keeping it simple, teaching you only what you need to know, making sure everything you learn is useful.

SCULPTING SUZANNE Once you’re familiar with the tools and the sculpting techniques, we’ll be sculpting up Suzanne the Monkey from start to finish, leaving you with a fun and great sculpt. We’ll use everything you’ve learnt so far, like understanding mid-frequency, what brushes to use and how to make appealing shapes and put them to the test.

TAUGHT BY VETERAN SCULPTOR Your instructor, Henning Sanden – Co-Founder of FlippedNormals, has been sculpting for 15 years. In his professional career, he’s sculpted hero characters for movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Batman V Superman, Pacific Rim Uprising, and Alien Covenant, to name a few. He’s also held masterclasses and taught sculpting at some of the top European Art Universities.

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