Release date:2019
Author:Angel Ganev
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Imagine Having The Desire To Draw Something Beautiful You grab your stylus and start sketching
But after a couple of minutes you realize that the beautiful image that you were looking for is completely different than the one you’re seeing on the screen.
The inspiration slowly drains out of you, you don’t like what you’ve drawn. You feel frustrated so you put
the stylus down.Your Work Is Never As Good As You Imagine It To Be
You feel lost, you don’t know what to draw, so you leave drawing for “later” and procrastinate with browsing social media.
You start watching random tutorials which all give you different advice and that makes you feel even more overwhelmed.
Everyone seems to be doing better than you.
This leads to a downward spiral, you start doubting yourself and pretty soon you’re questioning
“Is art even for me”?Comparing Yourself To Others
In the meantime, you see all these other artists on social media creating beautiful artwork and effortlessly progressing with their art.
You feel inspired by them, but at the same time you almost feel secretly jealous. You want to have the same results. You might even try redrawing their art but it ends up nothing like what you imagined.What it is that they have that you don’t have?
What’s the difference between
someone who procrastinates with their art and
someone who gets consistent art progress…Is It Talent?
The often false belief is that the major difference
is talent. But working closely with hundreds of artists proves that wrong.
Artists who appear to have no real talent, get to a “wow” level by studying the right things. There’s a missing piece between the regular artist and the one who improves.
That’s why we’re seeing that all artists who’ve improved seem to understand one thing…Introduction Course Lesson 1.1-Lines Lesson 1.2-Proportions Lesson 1.3-Perspective Lesson 1.4-The Lay In Lesson 1.5-The Lay In 3-4 Example Lesson 1.6-The Lay In Front Example Lesson 1.7-The Lay In Profile Example Lesson 1.8-Exercise 1 Overview Lesson 2.1-Planes of The Head Lesson 2.2-Planes of The Eye Area Lesson 2.3-Planes of The Cheekbone Area Lesson 2.4-Planes of The Nose Area Lesson 2.5-Planes of The Mouth Area Lesson 2.6-Planes of The Ear and Neck Lesson 2.7-The Hair Lay In Lesson 2.8-Real Time Planes of The Head Lesson 2.9-Exercise 2 Overview Lesson 3.1-Introduction to Lineweight Lesson 3.10-Exercise 3 Overview Lesson 3.2-Introduction to Design Lesson 3.3-Design of Eyes Lesson 3.4-Design of Nose Lesson 3.5-Design of Lips Lesson 3.6-Design of Ears Lesson 3.7-Design of Jaws Lesson 3.8-Design of Hair Lesson 3.9-Lineweight Example Lesson 4.1-Introduction to Shading The Set Up The Warrior Mindset [Doodle warriors] Portrait accelerator_Subtitles.7z
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