Release date:2023

Author:Nodiken 3D

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

About This Class

Welcome, everyone! This is Dino, and I’m excited to present another Blender course to you. In this course, we will be modeling and rigging a famous and crazy robot from the animated television series Futurama – Bender. Bender is one of the main characters in the show and is known for his sociopathic behavior and pathological lying.

In this course, we will start by modeling Bender’s body using basic modifiers and meshes. Once we finish modeling, we will move on to adding basic materials with some adjustments to give Bender his iconic look.

After applying the materials, we will rig the character and prepare it for animation. We will begin by posing Bender with his favorite drink, a bottle of beer. Then, we will add lights and a camera to the scene and get it ready for rendering.

Towards the end of the course, we will learn how to animate Bender in a walking cycle, and create a small animation of him walking. This course is designed mainly for beginners, but advanced 3D artists can also find inspiration for their portfolio.

So, let’s get started! I’m looking forward to seeing you in the first video.

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