Release date:2017, September 29

Duration:04 h 30 m

Author:Andy Needham

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Cinema 4D R19 Essentials: Motion Graphics introduces intermediate artists to the Cinema 4D workflow. If you’re new to Cinema 4D, please check out Learning Cinema 4D R19, which starts at the very beginning and introduces you to how the software works.

Here, learn key foundational concepts, such as spline modeling, lighting, and materials, which are crucial to understanding exactly how this 3D application functions. Instructor Andy Needham covers practical techniques for extruding shapes; working with MoGraph tools such as Cloners and Effectors; and adding lighting and camera views for fully realized 3D motion graphics. Plus, find out how to integrate assets from Adobe Illustrator, composite multipass renders with the After Effects and C4D workflow, and use the Takes System to try different materials and settings and export your projects in the exact sizes and resolutions you need.

Topics include: Setting up scenes Modeling with splines Using Illustrator files in C4D Extruding depth and detail Animating in the Timeline Creating clones Using Effectors Lighting motion graphics Applying materials Creating animated materials Compositing multipass renders in After Effects Rendering motion graphics in C4D
Table of Contents


Welcome 40s

What this course is and isn’t 1m 18s

Exercise files 2m 18s

New features highlighting 1m 39s

1. What Are Motion Graphics?

What are motion graphics? 3m 50s

How do motion graphics artists use Cinema 4D? 2m 6s

Big picture concepts 7m 50s

Examples of work 3m 44s

2. Setting Up a Project for Motion Graphics

Starting a scene for the first time 8m 49s

Workflow tips 11m 33s

Create a start scene 3m 8s

3. Working with Splines

What are splines? 5m

Working with parametric spline primitives 6m 52s

Creating and manipulating splines 10m 4s

Build complex shapes with spline masks 7m 31s

Creating geometry with splines 7m 29s

Working with Adobe Illustrator files 2m 46s

Import and clean up Illustrator files 1m 33s

Extrude to add depth and detail 4m 1s

4. Working with the Timeline

What is the Timeline? 7m 17s

F-curve manipulation 5m 10s

Create a logo wipe 3m 29s

Create a camera animation 3m 51s

Copying and offsetting keyframes 2m 26s

Moving animated objects 3m 5s

Working with sound 4m 48s

5. The Power of MoGraph

What is MoGraph? 2m 32s

Creating clones 6m 4s

Using Effectors 8m 31s

Deforming objects with Effectors 2m 57s

Other MoGraph objects 10m 32s

Offset animation with the Step effector 3m 34s

Enabling objects to be animated with MoGraph 3m 35s

Breaking objects into pieces 4m 24s

6. Lighting for Motion Graphics

How do lights work? 3m 26s

Using different types of shadow 4m 2s

Adding falioff for realistic lighting 2m 36s

Scene lighting 3m 10s

Creating a basic light setup 6m 48s

7. Materials for Motion Graphics

What are materials? 4m 31s

Create and apply materials 3m 33s

Working with selections 4m 21s

Manipulating materials on objects 5m 58s

Working with reflective materials 3m 53s

Create a bumpy greeble texture 4m 48s

Add detail with pattern shaders 2m 2s

Animating animated materials 4m 43s

8. Rendering and Compositing for Motion Graphics

The motion graphics pipeline 42s

Compositing tags 5m 57s

Common render settings 4m 42s

Set up multipass renders 7m 11s

Set up takes 4m 27s

Create previews renders 5m 19s

What is Cineware? 3m 56s

The AEC workflow 6m 30s

9. Challenge

Challenge overview 2m 17s

Solution 9m 49s

Conclusion Next steps 1m 39s

001 Welcome 002 What this course is and isn’t 003 Exercise files 004 New features highlighting 005 What are motion graphics_ 006 How do motion graphics artists use Cinema 4D_ 007 Big picture concepts 008 Examples of work 009 Starting a scene for the first time 010 Workflow tips 011 Create a start scene 012 What are splines_ 013 Working with parametric spline primitives 014 Creating and manipulating splines 015 Build complex shapes with spline masks 016 Creating geometry with splines 017 Working with Adobe Illustrator files 018 Import and clean up Illustrator files 019 Extrude to add depth and detail 020 What is the Timeline_ 021 F-curve manipulation 022 Create a logo wipe 023 Create a camera animation 024 Copying and offsetting keyframes 025 Moving animated objects 026 Working with sound 027 What is MoGraph_ 028 Creating clones 029 Using Effectors 030 Deforming objects with Effectors 031 Other MoGraph objects 032 Offset animation with the Step effector 033 Enabling objects to be animated with MoGraph 034 Breaking objects into pieces 035 How do lights work_ 036 Using different types of shadow 037 Adding falloff for realistic lighting 038 Scene lighting 039 Creating a basic light setup 040 What are materials_ 041 Create and apply materials 042 Working with selections 043 Manipulating materials on objects 044 Working with reflective materials 045 Create a bumpy greeble texture 046 Add detail with pattern shaders 047 Animating animated materials 048 The motion graphics pipeline 049 Compositing tags 050 Common render settings 051 Set up multipass renders 052 Set up takes 053 Create previews renders 054 What is Cineware_ 055 The AEC workflow 056 Challenge overview 057 Solution 058 Next steps Ex_Files_Cinema4D_R19_EssT_MG.rar

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