Release date:2018, April
Duration:01 h 59 m
Author: Alejandro Encisso
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
What Will I Learn? At the end of this course you will have a better understanding of how the different muscles of the face interact with each other to generate different expressions
Requirements Just a Pencil and paper
You want to learn how to draw portraits like a professional?
With this course you will learn everything you need to know about the anatomy of facial exphressions.
If you are an art student, anime or you like to draw faces, this course can take your portraits to the next level.Understanding the structures under the skin will allow you to create more realistic and accurate portraits.
In this course we will study how the muscles of the face interact with each other to create different facial expressions.
we will use professional models in 3d, so you can see the different expressions in several angles and we will make a tracing of the muscles on real portraits, we will see that muscles are active and passive in each exprsion
Who is the target audience? anyone who wants to have a better understanding of the anatomy of facial expressions
Anatomy Of Facial Expresion 01:12:11
Introduction 02:10
Anatomy of the smile 12:29
Anatomy Of Sorprise 10:15
Anatomy Of sadness 09:54
Anatomy of Anger 12:20
Anatomy Of The Kiss 11:36
Anatomy of the Rage Expresion 13:27
Bonus 47:37Drawing a Portrait step by step 45:38
whats next? 01:591. Anatomy Of Facial Expresion 1. Introduction 1.1 Facial muscle 3d model.html 2. Anatomy of the smile 2.1 3d model.html 3. Anatomy Of Sorprise 3.3 3d model.html 4. Anatomy Of sadness 4.1 3d model.html 5. Anatomy of Anger 5.1 3d model.html 6. Anatomy Of The Kiss 7. Anatomy of the Rage Expresion 7.1 3d model.html
Bonus 1. Drawing a Portrait step by step 2. whats next 2.1 Face Anatomy For Artists Course.html
Anatomy of Facial Expresion.rar

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